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Here the papers published in books, proceedings of conferences, stored in special Funds of the Soviet Union, computer programs and scientific reports are listed.

1972 - 1979
1980 - 1989
1990 -

1972 - 1979

  1. Z.J.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Matulaitite, A.P.Jucys. On the use of generalized hydrogen-like radial orbitals. The XVII All-union Congress on spectroscopy, Abstracts, Part 2: The theory of atomic spectra, Moscow, 1972, p. 73--76 (in Russian).
  2. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis, A.P.Jucys. Generalized hydrogen-like radial orbitals for neutral atoms, singly and doubly ionized ions from helium to zinc. VINITI, N 7260-73Dep., Moscow, 1973, 45 p, Referativnyi Zhurnal "Fizika", 1974, N 3, 3D21 (in Russian).
  3. Z.J.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene, A.P.Jucys. The use of generalized hydrogen-like analytical radial orbitals for the investigation of negative ions. Proceedings of the All-Union seminar on the theory of atoms and atomic spectra. Riga, P.Stuchki University Press, 1973, v. 2, p. 41-44 (in Russian).
  4. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis, A.P.Jucys. Generalized hydrogen-like analytical radial orbitals for atoms, singly and doubly charged ions in configurations 1s22s2pN and 1s22s22p63s3pN. VINITI, N 416-74Dep., Moscow, 27 p, Referativnyi Zhurnal "Fizika", 1974, N 6, 6D8 (in Russian).
  5. Z.J.Kuplyauskis, J.A.Jakimavichus, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Compton profiles of iron group atoms and ions in the configurations 3dN, 3dN-14s, and 3dN-24s2. VINITI, N 1605-74Dep., Moscow, 1974, 45 p. (in Russian).
  6. Z.J.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. The investigation of excited atoms in the configuration nl4l+2(n+2)l. VINITI, N 2185-74Dep., Moscow, 1974, 12 p, Referativnyi Zhurnal "Fizika", 1974, N 12, 12D24 (in Russian).
  7. G.V.Merkelis, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The energy spectra of iron group atoms and ions in the configuration 3dN4s2 (N=2,3,4,5,6,7,8). VINITI, N 181-75Dep., Moscow, 1975, 31 p, Referativnyi Zhurnal "Fizika", 1975, N 5, 5D61 (in Russian).
  8. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. Compton profiles for atoms, positive and negative ions from helium to argon. VINITI, N 969-75Dep., Moscow, 1975, 65 p, Referativnyi Zhurnal "Fizika", 1975, N 8, 8D365 (in Russian).
  9. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The Compton profiles of atoms and ions in the configurations 1s22s2pN and 1s22s22p63s3pN. VINITI, N 3112-75Dep., Moscow, 1975, 42 p. (in Russian).
  10. S.L.Yonushauskas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The scattering of X-rays by iron group atoms and ions. VINITI, N 3252-75Dep., Moscow, 1975, 51 p. Referativnyi Zhurnal "Fizika", 1976, N 2, 2D1005 (in Russian).
  11. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. Non-orthogonal radial orbitals for the configuration nlNn'l2. VINITI, N 3462-75Dep., Moscow, 1975, 44 p; Referativnyi Zhurnal "Fizika", 1976, N 3, 3D7 (in Russian).
  12. Z.J.Kuplyauskis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. The investigation of negative ions of second row. In: Autoionizing phenomena in atoms. Moscow, 1976, p. 166-172 (in Russian).
  13. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The investigation of the second row atoms with vacancies. In: Autoionizing phenomena in atoms. Moscow, 1976, p. 173-180 (in Russian).
  14. A.V.Kuplyauskene. The investigation of the excited states of atoms and ions. The theeses of the candidate of sciences in physics and mathematics, Vilnius, Institute of Physics and Mathematics, 1977, 124 p. (manuscript) (in Russian).
  15. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The computer program for the calculation of the differential cross sections of photon scattering. State fund of the algorithms and programs, N P002520, Moscow, 1977, 12 p., Algoritmi i programi (Moscow), 1977, N 5-6, Summary No 42 (in Russian).
  16. A.V.Kuplyauskene. The computer program for the determination of parameters of generalized hydrogen-like radial orbitals and energy for atoms and ions containing positron. State fund of algorithms and programs, N P002926, Moscow, 1978, 44 p., Algoritmi i programi (Moscow), 1978, N 3, Summary N 134 (in Russian).
  17. A.V.Kuplyauskene, A.J.Kunigelis, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. Computer program for the calculation of atomic form-factors, incoherent scattering functions and differential cross sections of coherent and oncoherent scattering of photons. State fund of algorithms and programs, N P003522, Moscow, 1979, 48 p. Algoritmi i programi (Moscow), 1979, N 3, Summary No 105 (in Russian).
  18. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. Analytical radial orbitals for the negative ions of first, second, and third period. VINITI, N 2309-79Dep., Moscow, 1979, 33 p. Deponirovannye Rukopisi, 1979, N 11, 217 (in Russian).
  19. A.K.Kunigelis, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. Computer program for the calculation of coherent and incoherent photon scattering cross sections by atoms and ions. - The state fund of algorithms and programs, N P003840, 1979, 32 p., Algoritmi i Programi (Moscow), 1979, N 5, Summmary No 115 (in Russian).
  20. J.J.Vizbaraite, A.V.Kuplyauskene, K.V.Sabas, J.V.Chiplis. Theoretical investigation of the spectral characteristics of the excited states of manyelectron atomic systems. Scientific report N 77021020, Moscow, 1979, 118 p (in Russian).

    1980 - 1989

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  21. A.V.Kuplyauskene. Computer program for the calculation of the energy spectra of atoms and ions in configuration interaction approximation using analytical radial orbitals. In: The collection of computer programs for the software of atomic calculations. Vilnius, 1980, N 6, p. 86-107 (in Russian).
  22. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The oscillator strengths of electrical dipole transitions 2ln1l1 - 2ln2l2 in C III. Proceedings of the Tartu city astronomical observatory, 1980, p. 100-105 (in Russian).
  23. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The copmputer program for the calculation of Compton profiles of x-ray and gamma-ray scattering and the distribution of electron momentum for atoms and ions. In: The collection of computer programs for the software of atomic calculations. Vilnius, 1981, N 7, p. 52-81 (in Russian).
  24. V.E.Bryounas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The radiative decay of autoionizing states 1s2s2pN LS of neon ions. In: The autoionization phenomemna in atoms. Proceedings of the II scientific symposium, Moscow, 1981, p. 33-40 (in Russian).
  25. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The probabilities of autoionization and decay of doubly excited states in three-electron ions. In: The autoionization phenomemna in atoms. Proceedings of the II scientific symposium, Moscow, 1981, p. 41-47 (in Russian).
  26. A.V.Kuplyauskene, V.J.Tutlis, R.S.Kisielius, S.P.Shulniuvene. Packet of programs for the theoretical determination of spektral characteristics of atoms and ions FOTON. State fund of algorithms and computer programs, N P005429, Moscow, 1982, 210 p., Algoritmi i Programi (Moscow), 1982, N 5, (in Russian).
  27. J.V.Chiplis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. The theoretical investigation of energy levels and the stability of excited configurations of atoms and ions with open shells. Scientific report N 02830042624, Moscow, 1982, 50 p. (in Russian).
  28. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The autoionizing states of atoms and ions. Energies and decay probabilities. In: Autoionizing phenomena in atoms and ions. Moscow, 1983, p. 5-33 (in Russian).
  29. R.S.Kisielius, J.J.Grudzinskas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, V.J.Tutlis, V.A.Abramov, V.S.Lisitsa. The characteristics of x-ray transitions in ions Cr XXI - Cr XXIII. Preprint IAE, N 3759/6, Moscow, 1983, 49 p. (in Russian).
  30. V.E.Bryounas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The investigation of the decay of KL21 vacancy states in neon ions. VINITI, N 5615-83Dep., Moscow, 20 p. (in Russian).
  31. V.E.Bryounas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The investigation of Auger transitions K-L22,3 and KL1-L22,3 in neon ions. In: Processes in atomic inner shells. Moscow, 1984, p. 81--105 (in Russian).
  32. R.S.Kisielius, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.B.Rudzikas. Theoretical values of Kalpha transitions in ions ArXV-ArXVII. In: Processes in atomic inner shells. Moscow, 1984, p. 106--138 (in Russian).
  33. A.V.Kuplyauskene. Computer program for the use of analytical radial orbitals in the program of the calculation of electron transition values by configuration interaction method. In: The collection of computer programs for the software of atomic calculations. Vilnius, 1984, N 12, p. 66-94 (in Russian).
  34. R.S.Kisielius, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.B.Rudzikas, V.A.Abramov, V.S.Lisitsa. The values of x-ray transitions in the multicharged ions of argon, chlorine, and potassium. A review. Moscow, CHII atominform Press, 1985, 80 p. (in English and Russian).
  35. A.V.Kuplyauskene, V.J.Tutlys. Program for the calculation of foto- and autoionization characteristics by configuration interaction method. In: The collection of computer programs for the software of atomic calculations. Vilnius, 1985, N 15, p. 3-45 (in Russian).
  36. R.S.Kisielius, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Program for the calculation of radiative recombination cross sections and rates. In: The collection of computer programs for the software of atomic calculations. Vilnius, 1985, N 15, p. 46-80 (in Russian).
  37. K.K.Glemzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis, A.H.Nakas. Excitation cross sections of the autoionizing states of lithium-like ions. In: Proceedings of the III scientific seminar "Autoionizing phenomena in atoms", Moscow, 1985, p. 114-115 (in Russian).
  38. V.A.Abramov, V.S.Lisitsa, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.B.Rudzikas. Simulation of the whole complex of elementary processes defining the spectra of impurities in high temperature thin plasma. In: The physics of electronic and atomic collisions, Leningrad, 1985, p. 29-37 (in Russian).
  39. V.J.Chiplis, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Theoretical investigation of the spectral characteristics of the autoionizing states of atoms and ions. Scientific report, N 02860022252, Moscow, 1985, 67 p. (in Russian).
  40. Z.B.Rudzikas, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Theoretical investigation of multiply ionized atoms. Scientific report, N 02860051126, Moscow, 1985, 95 p. (in Russian).
  41. K.K.Glemzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis, A.H.Nakas. Investigation of the excitation cross sections of ions by electron impact in the Coulomb-Born approximation. VINITI, N 1572-B86Dep., Moscow, 1986, 50 p. (in Russian).
  42. V.B.Vyshniauskas, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. Relative intensities of Kalpha hipersatellites in neon atom. In: Correlation and relativistic effects in atoms and ions, Moscow, 1986, p. 64-78 (in Russian).
  43. A.V.Kuplyauskene. The kinetics of formation of x-ray spectra in tokamak plasma. Scientific report, N 01850051326, Moscow, 1986, 21 p. (in Russian).
  44. A.V.Kuplyauskene. Doubly excited states of Ne2+, Ne3+, and Ne4+. VINITI, N 4373-B87Dep., Moscow, 1987, 39 p. (in Russian).
  45. R.S.Kisielius, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Investigation of the population of the levels of the multicharged ions of clorine in high temperature plasmas. VINITI, N 4895-B87Dep., Moscow, 1987, 58 p. (in Russian).
  46. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The complex of programs for the calculation of cross sections of photon scattering and excitation of atoms and ions by electrons. The catalog of exhibition "The inventions of High schools for national economics", Vilnius, 1987, p. 68 (in Russian and Lithuanian).
  47. Z.B.Rudzikas, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Spectroscopic diagnostics of the x-ray lines of the admixture of ions in tokamak plasmas. Scientific report, N 0860051380, Moscow, 1987, 22 p. (in Russian).
  48. Z.B.Rudzikas, A.V.Kuplyauskene. Ultrafast processes in atomic spectroscopy. In: Proceedings of the V International symposium Ultrafast phenomena in spectroscopy. Vilnius, 1987, p. 406-410.
  49. A.V.Kuplyauskene. Spectroscopic diagnostics of the X-ray lines of admixture ions in Tokamak plasmas. Final scientific report, Moscow, N 1860051380, 1987, 22 p. (in Russian).
  50. A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The excitation of ions by electrons in Coulomb-Born approximation. Vilnius, Vilnius state university Press, 1988, 74 p. (in Russian).
  51. A.H.Nakas, A.V.Kuplyauskene. The method of the evaluation of radial integrals with the two Coulomb wave functions of continuous spectra for the charakteristics of collision processes. VINITI, N 1999-B88Dep., Moscow, 1988, 21 p. (in Russian).
  52. A.V.Kuplyauskene. Computer program for the calculation of the distribution of ions among ionization stages in the corona model of plasma. In: The collection of computer programs for the software of atomic calculations. Vilnius, 1988, N 20, p. 37-53 (in Russian).
  53. A.V.Kuplyauskene. Computer program for the calculation of radial integral of two Coulomb wave functions of discrete spectra and radial variable in pover of k. In: The collection of computer programs for the software of atomic calculations. Vilnius, 1988, N 20, p. 54-68 (in Russian).
  54. K.K.Glemzha, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.J.Kuplyauskis. The excitation cross sections of the autoionizing states 1s2l2l' LSJ of Ar15+ by electrons. VINITI, N 8973-B88Dep., Moscow, 1988, 19 p. (in Russian).
  55. A.V.Kuplyauskene. The investigation of excitation, emission and autoionization atom-molecule processes in plasma and lasers: the investigation of the free-free transitions of electron in the field of multicharged ions. Intermediate scientific report, N 01880047306, 1988, Moscow, 16 p. (in Russian).
  56. A.V.Kuplyauskene, U.I.Safronova. The autoionization width of levels of Be-like ions in the Hartree-Fock-Pauli approximation. In: Energy levels and transition probabilities, Moscow, 1989, p. 99-116 (in Russian).

    1990 -

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  57. A.V.Kuplyauskene, A.H.Nakas. Computer program for the calculation of radial integrals containing the slater-type radial orbitals of discrete spectrum and Coulomb radial orbitals of contimuun spectrum. LitNIINTI, Vilnius, 1990, 50 p. (in Russian).
  58. R.S.Kisielius, A.V.Kuplyauskene, Z.B.Rudzikas. Theoretical radiation spectra of multicharged ions in hot plasmas. In: Spectroscopy of multicharged ions in hot plasmas, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1991, p. 52-76 (in Russian).
  59. K.Glemza, N.Rakstikas, A.Kupliauskiene. Simultaneous photoionization and excitation of sodium atoms. Proceedings of the conference "Lithuanian Science and Industry", 1995, Kaunas, Technologija Press, p. 56-58 (in Lithuanian).
  60. N.Rakstikas, A.Kupliauskiene. Photoionization of alkaline atoms in excited states. Proceedings of the conference "Interaction of Radiation and Matter", 1999, Kaunas, Technologija Press, p. 74-77, (in Lithuanian)).
  61. A.Kupliauskiene, N.Rakstikas, V.Tutlys. Alignment of the states of alkaline metal photoions. Proceedings of the conference "Taikomoji fizika", Kaunas, Technologija Pres, 2000, p. 131-134.
  62. A.Kupliauskien\.{e}, D.\v{S}atkovskien\.{e}, S.Vingelien\.{e}. Women in physics in Lithuania: The problems and ways to solve them. The IUPAP International Conference Women in Physics, Paris, France, 2002. IUPAP Conference Proceedings 628, 2002, p. 191-192.
  63. A.Kupliauskiene, D.Satkovskiene. Status of women physicists in Lithuania. Second IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics. Edited by Beverly Harpus Hartline, Heritage University, Toppenish, WA, USA and Ariel Michelman-Ribeiro, Boston University, Physics Department, Boston, MA, USA, AIP Conference Proceedings 795, Published Novemver 2005; ISBN 0-7354-0278-7, p. 139-140.
  64. A.Novelskaite, A.Gribauskiene, A.Kupliauskiene, G.Purvaneckiene, Z.Rutkuniene. Strategy of security of women's and men's equal oportunities in science (Moteru ir vyru lygiu galimybiu uztiktinimo moksle strategija). Lyciإ³ lygybes skatinimas moksle, BASNET forumas LYMOS projekto resultatai, Vilnius, 2012, p. 260-299.
  65. A.A.Borovik, V.I.Roman, A.V.Kupliauskiene. The autoionization cross section of rubidium atoms excited by electron impact. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2013, No. 3, p. 58-64.
  66. D. Satkovskiene, A. Kupliauskiene, Z. Rutkuniene. Regional networking as a tool for women in physics: BASNET Forumas experience. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1517, 186-187 (2013).
  67. D.Satkovskiene, A.Kupliauskiene, Z.Rutkuniene. Baltic states association BASNET Forumas: activities and perspectives. Int. Conf. Science, Innovation and Gender, Proceedings, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2013, p. 89.


E.V.Aglitskiy, V.V.Viktorov, A.V.Gulov, V.V.Ivanov, E.P.Ivanova, R.S.Kiselyus, K.N.Koshelev, A.V.Kuplyauskene, A.M.Panin, Z.B.Rudzikas, Yu.V.Sidelnikov, A.N.Ryabtsev, U.I.Safronova, S.S.Churilov, V.P.Shevelko. The spectroscopy of multicharged ions in high temperature plasmas. Moscow, Nauka Press., 1991, 206 p. (in Russian).

A.V.Kupliauskiene, Z.J.Kupliauskis. The excitation of ions by electrons in Coulomb-Born approximation. Vilnius, Vilnius state university Press, 1988, 74 p. (in Russian).

A.Kupliauskiene. Quantum Scattering Theory, http://www.itpa.lt/~akupl/kvstuden.htm. 2006 (in Lithuanian).

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