Surname: Tamuliene Maiden name: Giceviciute
Name: Jelena
Place of birth: Minsk, Byelorussia
Birth date: 06/10/1968
Present Employment: Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy.
1986-1991 Graduated from Vilnius Pedagogical Institute, Department of Physics,
1993-1994 Graduated from Vilnius Pedagogical University, Department of Physics,
1994-2000 Ph.D. studies at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Lithuania.
Theoretical Physics, Master's degree;
Theoretical Physics, Doctoral degree.
Title of Diploma work:
"Evaluation of absolute magnitude of metal deficient giants stars".
Title of Master's work:
"Quantum mechanical investigation of photoactive molecules, supermolecules, supramolecule and design of molecular devices.
1994-2000 postgraduate student at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy.
2000-2001 research assistant at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy.
2001-(current position) research fellow,
2003- Ph.D. position at the Institute of Theoretical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Dresden Technical University.
Areas of Research:
Quantum mechanical investigations of endohedral metal-fullerenes and design of two, three and four variable molecular implementation logic functions, cells of quantum cellular automata, and sumators of neuromolecular networks. The investigations of the disc-like, the photoactive molecules, the supermolecules, the supramolecules and the Van der Walls fullerene C60 complexes. Investigations of the catalytic activation of tetrahedral phosphorus by transition metal applying quantum mechanical ab initio methods, IR and visible -UV spectra investigations, chemical shielding investigations of the paramagnetical complexes. Molybdenum sulfide investigations. Investigation of Biological molecule properties and design af nano-devices.
Award and Participation in project:
1995- Participation in the G. Soros supporting research work
1996- Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Lithuania "The best theoretical physics work".
1997- Grant Baltic/NW Russia fellowship for three month research at NORDITA, Copenhagen
1999- Grant for young sciences from Lithuanian Academy of Science.
1999- Lithuanian State Research and Studies grant. Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Lithuania "The best theoretical physics work".
1999-Grants from the Lithuanian Science and Education Foundation.
1997-2000 Participated
in the ERBIC15CT960746
2000- SPC 00-4050
2001- One month visitor at the University of California, Davis.
2002- Government grant for young sciences.
2004-2007- EU FP6 "Programmable Artificial Cell Evolution".
2002-2004- NORFA "Quantum Mechanical Molecular Modeling".
List of publications:
104 works. The most important papers were published in: Lithuanian Journal of Physics, Fullerene Science and Technology, Viva Origino, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Synthetic Metals, Inorganica Chimica Acta, Nonlinear Optics, Biotech News International, NATO ASI book series issues and SPIE Proceedings, Structural Chemistry, Solid State Phenomena.