List of scientific publications of Dr. Arvydas Tamulis
1. Pozhela, I.P.; Tamulis, A.V.; Radvilavichyus, Ch.V., Bolotin, A. B., "The intermolecular forces between naphthalene molecules", Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys (Soviet Physics - Collection|Soviet Physics - Collection|Litovskii Fizicheskii Sbornik), vol. 13 (1972 in Russian, 1973 in English), p.p. 695-707.
2. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, "Level shifts of two identical molecules due to overlap of their molecular orbitals", Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys (Litov Fiz Sb), 15 (1973), p.p. 755-761.
3. Litinskii, A.O.; Tamulis, A.V.; Gubanov, V.N."Modified partial neglect of differential overlap in the determination of the electronic structures and the physicochemical properties of molecules, Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys (Litov Fiz Sb), 17 (1975), p.p. 29-38.
4. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, V. Lazauskas, "Bimolecular orbitals and its energy levels in the case of small overlap of molecular orbitals of two identical molecules", Book of abstracts of 3rd Soviet Union symposium on Intermolecular Interactions and Conformations of Molecules, Pushchino, Moscow Region, USSR, 2-6 March, 1976, p. 69 (in Russian).
5. A. Tamulis, V. Salniene, L. Archipova, G. Dienys, "The electronic structure and spectral characteristics of alfa-substituted acrylonitriles", Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys, 16, (1976), p.p. 97-108 (in Russian).
6. A. I. Savuckii, J. Narusis, A. Tamulis, J. Batarunas, "Investigations of the dependence of HPipEu(BA)4 luminescence characteristics in the pressure", Book of abstracts of 5th Soviet Union symposium on Spectroscopy of the Crystals Activated with the Rare Earths and the Elements from Iron Group, Kazan, USSR, 2-5 June, 1976, p. 190 (in Russian).
7. A. Tamulis, Z. Talaikyte, V.-R. Taliene, "The electronic structure and reactivity of methyl esters of unsaturated acids", Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys, 17 (1977), p.p. 179-187 (in Russian).
8. A. Litinsky, A. Tamulis, V. Gubanov, "Modification to the method of partial neglect of differential overlap (MPNDO) and its application to calculate some physic chemical properties and electron structure of molecules", Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys, 17 (1977), p.p. 29-38 (in Russian).
9. A. Tamulis, "The program of the calculations of the intermolecular forces", Deposited in the Lithuanian Fund of Algorithms and Programs, (1977), 32 pages, (in Russian).
10. A. Tamulis, "The program of the calculations of the dispersion interactions between molecules", Deposited in the Lithuanian Fund of Algorithms and Programs, (1977), 37 pages, (in Russian).
11. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, V. Lazauskas, "Two stage diagonalizations of ethane molecule hamiltonian by the CNDO/2 method", Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys, 18 (1978), p.p. 455-463 (in Russian).
12. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, V. Lazauskas, "Orbitals and levels of the octane molecule and its fragments found by the CNDO/2 method", Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys, 18 (1978), p.p. 727-739 (in Russian).
13. A. Tamulis, "Investigations of the electronic structure of the molecular fragments -CH3, =CH2 and =CH- in some hydrocarbons in the framework of the method of many stage diagonalizations of energy matrix", Book of abstracts of 4th Lithuanian Conference of Young Researchers "Investigation in the Field of Spectroscopy and Quantum Electronics", Vilnius, Lithuania, 18-19 April 1978, p. 28 (in Russian).
14. A. Tamulis, A. Berziunas, "Comparison of the orbitals and energy levels of the molecular fragments -NH2, -CH3, and -CH2-,"Book of abstracts of the 4th Lithuanian Conference of Young Researchers "Investigations in the Field of Spectroscopy and Quantum Electronics", Vilnius, Lithuania, 18-19 April 1978, p. 29, (in Russian).
15. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, V. Lazauskas, V.-R. Taliene, Z. Talaikyte, "Investigations of the bimolecular orbitals in the case of greatly overlap of the molecular orbitals of the methylsulphenchloride and methyl ether of acrylic acid molecules", Book of abstracts of 7th Soviet Union meeting of Quantum Chemistry, Novosibirsk, USSR, 1978, p. 123, (in Russian).
16. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, V. Lazauskas, O. Adomeniene, "Investigations of formation of orbitals of the intermediate complex of acrylonitrile and ammonia molecules in the framework of two stage diagonalizations of hamiltonian", Book of abstracts of 7th Soviet Union meeting of Quantum Chemistry, Novosibirsk, USSR, p. 122, (in Russian).
17. V. Lazauskas, K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, "The bimolecular orbitals in the case of overlapping of two orbitals of different molecules ", Book of abstracts of 4th Soviet Union symposium on Intermolecular Interactions and the Conformations of Molecules, 2-8 October 1978, Baku, USSR, p. 105, (in Russian).
18. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, A. Berziunas, "Formation of molecular orbitals and energy levels of ethylene molecule from the fragment orbitals during the rotation relative to the double bond", Book of abstracts of 4th Soviet Union symposium on Intermolecular Interactions and Conformations of Molecules", 2-8 October, 1978, Baku, USSR, p. 106, (in Russian).
19. A. Tamulis, K. Konstantinavicius, "Orbitals of the fragments -CH3, -NH2, -OH in methylamine and methanol molecules", Soviet Union Conference: Present State in Theory of Atoms and Molecules", 31 May - 2 June 1979, Vilnius, Lithuania, Book of abstracts, Volume 2, p. 44, (in Russian).
20. V.-R. Taliene, Z. Talaikyte, A. Tamulis, "IR- spectrum and structure of the methyl ethers and anilides of alkylchlorothiocarbonic acids", Book of abstracts of Soviet Union conference: Synthesis and Investigations of New Native Antileukaemia Drugs", 18-20 June 1979, Vilnius, Lithuania, p. 36, (in Russian).
21. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, V. Lazauskas, A. Berziunas, V. A. Bolotin, "Theoretical investigations of quasiconstancy of the molecular orbitals and energy levels of atom clusters in biological molecules", Deposited in Soviet Union Research Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Moscow, USSR, Inventor. No. 77021018, 1979, 79 pages, (in Russian).
22. A. Tamulis, "The genealogy of energy levels and its shifts during rotation relative to the single bond in methane, methanol, methylamine and 1,2-ethandiol molecules", Book of abstracts of 5th Lithuanian Conference of Young Researchers: "Investigations in the Field of Spectroscopy and Quantum Electronics", Palanga, Lithuania, 1981, p. 35, (in Russian).
23. A. Tamulis, "Electronic structure of the fragments =CCl2 of the ethylene-tetrachloride, the genealogy of energy levels and its shifts during the small rotation-vibrations relative to the double bond", Book of abstracts of 5th Lithuanian Conference of Young Researchers: "Investigations in the Field of Spectroscopy and Quantum Electronics", Palanga, Lithuania, 1981, p. 36, (in Russian).
24. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, V. Lazauskas, "Investigations of orbitals of the molecular fragments -CH3, -OH and formation of linear combination of the fragment orbitals in methanol molecule", Zurnal strukturnoy khimii (Journal of the structural chemistry) (in Russian), 22 (1981), p.p. 22-28 (in Russian).
25. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, V. Lazauskas, A. Berziunas, V. A. Bolotin "Investigations of interactions between the minimal fragments of organic molecules", Deposited in the Soviet Union Research Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Moscow, USSR, Inventor. No. 80011156, 1981, 56 pages, (in Russian).
26. V. Lazauskas, P. Adomenas, A. Tamulis, "Quantum chemical calculations of dipole moments of liquid crystals molecules", Book of abstracts of 3rd Soviet Union Conference: Electric Characteristics of Molecules, 18-20 May, 1982, Kazan, USSR, p. 115, (in Russian).
27. A. Tamulis, K. Konstantinavicius, "Revealing of the molecular orbitals which are essential for the origin of the interaction between molecules", Book of abstracts of 6th Soviet Union Symposium on Intermolecular Interactions and Conformations of Molecules", 22-23 June 1982, Vilnius, Lithuania, p. 195, (in Russian).
28. P. Vainilavicius, A. Tamulis, S. Tumkevicius, "Investigations of the structure of hydrazides of 5-substituted 2-pyrimidinearbonic acids and its aromatic analogous by using the 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance method and semiempirical calculations with neglect of the differential overlap", Book of abstracts of 6th Soviet Union Symposium on Intermolecular Interactions and Conformations of Molecules, 22-23 June, 1982, Vilnius, Lithuania, p. 44, (in Russian).
29. A. Tamulis, J. Narusis, J. Batarunas, K. Konstantinavicius, "Selection rules under the formation of molecular orbitals from the fragments", Book of abstracts of the Conference: "Quantum Chemistry", 20-22 September 1983, Dniepropetrovsk, USSR, p.p. 19-20, (in Russian).
30. A. Tamulis, J. Narusis, J. Batarunas, K. Konstantinavicius, "Selection rules under the unification of molecular fragments", Kurzreferate der Poster Teilnehmerliste, 12. Arbeitstagung uber "Probleme der Quanterchemie", 27 February - 3 March 1984, Ostseebad Heiligendamm, Max-Planck-Haus, Germany, p. 49.
31. A. Tamulis, "Quantum mechanical investigations of electronic structure of orbitals of molecular fragments and the selection rules of fragment joining to molecules", Candidate dissertation of physics and mathematical sciences, Deposited in the Library of Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1984, 194 pages, (in Russian).
32. A. Tamulis, "Quantum mechanical investigations of electronic structure of orbitals of molecular fragments and the selection rules of fragment joining to molecules", Author's abstract of dissertation of physics and mathematical sciences, Deposited in the Library of Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1984, 16 pages, (in Russian).
33. A. Tamulis, J. Narusis, J. Batarunas, "Conservation of symmetry of the fragment orbitals during interaction of the fragments in molecular complexes", 9th Soviet Union meeting on Quantum Chemistry, 10-12 June, 1985, Ivanovo, USSR, Book of abstracts, part 1, p. 74, (in Russian).
34. A. Tamulis, J. Batarunas, K. Konstantinavicius, "Selection rules for the conformation states during the joining of the fragments to molecules and bimolecular complexes", 9th Soviet Union meeting on Quantum Chemistry, 10-12 June, 1985, Ivanovo, USSR, Book of abstracts, part 1, p.p. 188-189, (in Russian).
35. A. Tamulis, J. Batarunas, K. Konstantinavicius, J. Narusis, "Classification of molecular electronic levels by means of the symmetry groups of molecular fragments", Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys, 25 (1985), p.p. 42-52, (in Russian).
36. K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, V. Lazauskas, J. Batarunas, J. Narusis, V. A. Bolotin, V. Stabinskaite, "Theoretical investigations of the influence of neighbor fragments on the electronic spectrum of chromophores", Deposited in the Soviet Union Research Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Moscow, USSR, Inventor. No. 01821009303, 1985, 52 pages, (in Russian).
37. A. Tamulis, S. Kudzmauskas, "Investigations of electronic structure of carbazole, 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenone, 2,4,5,7-tetranitro-9-fluorenone molecules and its single charge ions by using the NDO methods", Deposited in the Lithuanian Research Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Kalvariju 3, Vilnius, 2051, The Republic of Lithuania, No. 1908 LI, 11 July, 1987, 28 pages, (in Russian).
38. I. F. Schneider, L. Pateopol, I. N. Michailescu, A. Tamulis, V. I. Derzhiev, S. A. Yakovlenko, "Dissociative recombination of molecular ions at low energies: approximate estimative values of the rate coefficients for hydrogen and noble gases", Book of theses of the Third International Conference "Trends in Quantum Electronics", Bucharest, Romania, 29 August - 3 September, 1988, p.p. 69-70.
39. S. Kudzmauskas, G. Vektaris, A. Tamulis, V. Liuolia, V. Gaidelis, A. Undzenas, "The modeling of the processes of the photogeneration, photosensibilization and charge carrier transport in the carbazolyl containing photoconductors", Deposited in the Soviet Union Research Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Moscow, USSR, Inventor. No. 02890037345, 12 December 1988, 50 pages, (in Russian).
40. A. Tamulis, S. Kudzmauskas, "The calculation of the photoelectron spectrum positions of large alkanes using the fragment hamiltonians of small molecules", Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys, 29 (1989), p.p. 15-21, (in Russian).
41. I. Ursu, I. F. Schneider, I. N. Michailescu, A. Tamulis, A. M. Prokhorov V. I. Derzhiev, S. A. Yakovlenko, "Dissociative recombination of molecular ions at low energies: approximate estimative values of the rate coefficients for hydrogen and noble gases", Rev. Roum. Phys., Tome 34, Nos. 7-9, p.p. 767-777, Bucharest, 1989.
42. V. Lazauskas, K. Konstantinavicius, A. Tamulis, L. Bazhan, "Program for generating the basis of fragment orbitals and calculation of the electronic state of molecular fragments" in book: Programi po Matematicheskomu Obespecheniju Molekuliarnih Raschetov (Software Programs for Molecular Calculations), Vilnius, The Republic of Lithuania, 1989, p.p. 3-24, (in Russian).
43. V. Lazauskas, A. Tamulis, "The program for the graphical imaging of the electronic density in the molecules", in book: Programi po Matematicheskomu Obespecheniju Molekuliarnih Raschetov (Software Programs for Molecular Calculations), Vilnius, The Republic of Lithuania, 1989, p.p. 38-55, (in Russian).
44. A. Tamulis, J. Alekna, "Electronic structure of palmitic acid molecule and its Langmuir-Blodgett Films", Book of abstracts of the Second International Symposium on "Molecular Electronics and Biocomputers", 11-18 September, 1989, Moscow, USSR, p.133.
45. V. I. Silin, V.-R. Taliene, A. Tamulis, "The HorseRadish peroxidase immobilization on metal surface", Book of abstracts of the Second International Symposium on "Molecular Electronics and Biocomputers", 11-18 September 1989, Moscow, USSR, p.122.
46. V. I. Silin, V.-R. Taliene, A. Tamulis, "The Horse Radish peroxidase immobilization on metal surface", The Proceedings of the second International Symposium on Molecular Electronics and Biocomputers, held 11-18 September, 1989, in Moscow, USSR. Edited by P.I. Lazarev: "Molecular Electronics", p.p. 73-78, 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
47. A. Tamulis, A. Undzenas, "The electronic processes in carbazolyl containing polymers sensitized by pyrylium and Rhodamine 6G", Book of abstracts of 2nd international symposium "Organic Materials for Non-Linear Optics", University of Oxford, Oxford, U. K., 4-6 September, 1990, p. 13.
48. A. Tamulis, A. Undzenas, L. Bazan, "The electronic processes in carbazolyl containing polymers sensitized by pyrylium and Rhodamine 6G", The Proceedings of the Second international symposium "Organic Materials for Non-Linear Optics", held 4th-6th September, 1990, in Oxford. Edited by R.A. Hann and D. Bloor. Published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Cambridge CB4, 4WF, 1991, p.p. 267-272.
49. A. Tamulis, S. Janusonis, "Selection rules for self-formation in the molecular nanotechnology", Book of abstracts of the European Conference: "Organized Organic Thin Films", 11-13 October 1990, Johanes Gutenberg Universitat, Mainz, FRG, p. 43.
50. A. Tamulis, S. Janusonis, L. Bazan, "Selection rules for self-formation in the molecular nanotechnology", Makromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp. 46 (1991), p.p. 181-185.
51. A. Tamulis, L. Bazhan, "Charge Photogeneration in Carbazole Containing Compounds and Valency Bands of Oligomers", Book of abstracts of the 29th Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physics: "Physics of Polymer Networks", Alexisbad (Germany), September 9-14, 1991, p. 107.
52. A. Tamulis, L. Bazhan, "Charge Photogeneration in Carbazole Containing Compounds and Valency Bands of Oligomers", Progress in Colloid & Polymer Science, 90 (1992), p.p. 186-193.
53. A. Tamulis, L. Bazhan, "Electronic Structure of the Supermolecules and Supramolecules Constructed from Carbazole and Acceptor Molecules", Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 216 (1992), p.p. 49-54.
54. A. Tamulis, L. Bazhan, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Photoactive Supermolecules Formation, Supramolecules Self Assembly and Solar Cells Design", The Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference with International Participation: "Self-Formation Physics, Technology and Application"', held 12th-13th May, 1992 in Vilnius, The Republic of Lithuania, p.p. 48-50.
55. A. Tamulis, J. Alekna, "Electronic structure of palmitic acid molecule and its Langmuir-Blodgett films", Molecular Materials, 1 (1992), p.p. 85-89.
56. A. Tamulis, L. Bazhan, "Modeling of the Charge Separation in the Photoactive Molecular Devices", Book of abstracts of the "Joint Nordic Spring Meeting", 7-10 May, 1992, Nyborg Strand, Denmark, p. 327.
57. A. Tamulis, L. Bazhan, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of the Photoactive Charge Transfer Supermolecules, Supramolecules and Design of the Molecular Devices, Book of abstracts of the "Fourth European Conference on Organized thin Films, University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom, 10-12 September 1992, page FP2.
58. A. Tamulis, L. Bazhan, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Photoactive Supermolecules and Supramolecules, their Self Assembly and Design of Molecular Devices", Book of abstracts of "International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals", Göteborg, Sweden, August 12-18, 1992, p. 399.
59. A. Tamulis, L. Bazhan, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Photoactive Supermolecules and Supramolecules their Self Assembly and Design of Molecular Devices", Synthetic Metals, 55-57 (1992), p.p. 4685-4690.
60. A. Tamulis, A. Klimkans, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Systems of Two Fullerene C60 Molecules and Endohedral Fullerenes C60 with Encapsulated Atoms, Molecules or Atomic Clusters Inside as well as Design of Molecular Devices", Book of abstracts of "1st International Conference on Materials Chemistry", University of Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K., 19-22 July 1993, p.124.
61. A. Tamulis, A. Klimkans, "Quantum, Chemical Investigations of Endohedral Fullerenes C60 with Encapsulated Atoms, Molecules or Atomic Clusters Inside and Design of Molecular Devices", Book of abstracts of "The First International Interdisciplinary Colloquium on the Science and Technology of the Fullerenes", Lobero Theatre and Historical Society Museum, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 27th- July 1st 1993, p.p. 22-23.
62. A. Tamulis, A. Klimkans, "Quantum Chemical Calculations of Systems of Two Fullerene C60 Molecules and Endohedral Fullerene C60 Molecules With Atom, Atomic Clusters or Molecule Inside as well as Design of Molecular Devices", Book of abstracts of "7th Nordic Symposium on Computer Simulation", Espoo, Finland, September 3-5, 1993, p. 87.
63. A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis, "Molecular Electronics - Advanced Technology", Science and Arts of Lithuania, 1994, vol. 2, No 4, p.p. 40-47, (in Lithuanian).
64. A. Tamulis, A. Klimkans, E. Stumbrys, A. Nakas, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Empty and Endohedral Fullerenes, Carbazole-Containing Supermolecules and the Design of Molecular Devices", Book of abstracts of NATO ARW on "The Synergy Between Dynamics and Reactivity at Clusters and Surfaces", held in Drymen, near Glasgow, Scotland, U. K., on 3-8 July 1994, p. 47.
65. Tamulis, A., Tamulis, V., "Quantum Chemical Design of Molecular Cellular Automata, Neuromolecular Networks and Solar Cells Based on Advanced Molecules", Book of abstracts of papers of International Workshop on "Quantum Communications and Measurement", University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K., 11-16 July 1994, p.p. 81-82.
66. A. Tamulis, A. Klimkans, E. Stumbrys and A. Nakas, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Empty and Endohedral Fullerenes, Carbazole-Containing Supermolecules and the Design of Molecular Devices", Proceedings of "The 6th Joint EPS-APS International Conference on Physics Computing", held in Lugano, Switzerland, on 22-26 August 1994, p.89.
67. Tamulis, A., Braga, M., Klimkans, A., "Quantum Chemical Investigation of Two Fullerene C60 Molecules", Fullerene Science and Technology, 1995, vol. 3, No. 5, p.p. 603-610.
68. Tamulis A., Tamulis V., Stumbrys E., Giceviciute J., Nakas A., "Quantum mechanical design of basic elements of digital, postdigital computers and photovoltaic devices", Proceedings of conference: "Lithuanian Science and Industry, Physics", Kaunas Technology University, 14 of April 1995, p.p. 50-52, (in Lithuanian).
69. Stumbrys E., Tamulis A., Nakas A., Giceviciute J., "Investigation of the smallest empty and endohedral fullerenes in the framework of PM3 method", Proceedings of conference: "Lithuanian Science and Industry, Physics", Kaunas Technology University, 14 of April 1995, p.p. 53-55, (in Lithuanian).
70. Tamulis A., Giceviciute J., Tamulis V., Stumbrys E., "Quantum mechanical investigation of photoactive molecules, supermolecules and supramolecule and design of basic elements of molecular computers" Proceedings of conference: "Lithuanian Science and Industry, Physics", Kaunas Technology University, 14 of April 1995, p.p. 180-182, (in Lithuanian).
71. Tamulis A.; Giceviciute-Tamuliene, J.; Stumbrys, E.; Tamulis, V. and Nakas, A., "Quantum Mechanical Design of Self-Assembly of Photoactive Supramolecules and Design of Basic Elements of Molecular Devices", Book of abstracts of NATO ASI on "Physics of biomaterials: Fluctuations, selfassembly and evolution", held in Geilo, Norway, 27 March- 06 April 1995, p. 52.
72. Tamulis A., Stumbrys E., Tamulis V., Giceviciute-Tamuliene J. and Nakas A., "Stability Investigations of Small Empty and Endohedral Fullerene Molecules, Disc-like Supramolecules and Design of Basic Elements of Molecular Computers", Book of abstracts of papers of NATO ASI on "Localized and Itinerant Molecular Magnetism: From molecular Assemblies to the Devices", 22 April-03 May, 1995, Tenerife, Spain, p. 520.
73. Tamulis A., Tamuliene J., Stumbrys E., "Quantum Mechanical Design of Self-Assembly of Photoactive Supramolecules and Design of Basic Elements of Molecular Devices", Book of abstracts of NATO ASI on "Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Submicron Structures", held in Bad Lautenberg, Germany, 20 - 31 August 1995, p. 45.
74. Tamulis A., Stumbrys E., Nakas A., Tamuliene J., Tamulis V., "Investigations of Stability Factors of Small Empty and Endohedral Fullerene Molecules and Disc-like Supramolecules and Design of Basic Elements of Molecular Computers", Book of abstracts of 9th Nordic Symposium on Computer Simulation, held in Hindaas, Sweden, 25 - 27 August 1995, p. 34.
75. A. Tamulis, E. Stumbrys, A. Nakas, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Mechanical Design of Basic Elements of Molecular Computers Using Small Empty and Endohedral Fullerene Molecules and Disc-Like Pentayne::Photoacceptor Supramolecules", Book of abstracts of The Seventh International Conference on "Organized Molecular Films", held in Numana (Ancona) - Italy, September, 10-15, 1995, p. 137.
76. Tamulis A.; Stumbrys, E.; Tamulis, V. and Tamuliene, J., "Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Photoactive Molecules, Supermolecules, Supramolecules and Design of Basic Elements Molecular Computers", NATO ASI series, 3. High Technology-Vol. 9, Edited by F. Kajzar, V.M. Agranovich and C. Y.-C. Lee: "Photoactive Organic Materials: Science and Applications", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, p.p. 53-66.
77. Tamulis, A., "Molecular Devices - Applications to Chemical Evolution and the Origins of Life", "The Newsletter of The International Society for the Study of Life", fall 1995, Vol. 22, No 4, p.p. 10-11.
78. A. Tamulis, E. Stumbrys, L.M. Balevicius, V. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, "Design of Basic Elements of Digital and Postdigital Computers Based on Quantum Mechanical Investigation of Photoactive Supermolecules and Supramolecules", Book of abstracts of The 8th International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters, held in University of Copenhagen, Denmark, July, 1-6, 1996, p.8.39.
79. Tamulis A., Stumbrys E., Balevicius L.-M., Tamulis V., Tamuliene J, "Design of Basic Elements of Digital and Postdigital Computers Based on Quantum Mechanical Investigation of Fullerene Molecules", Book of abstracts of The 8th International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters, held in University of Copenhagen, Denmark, July, 1-6, 1996, p.8.40.
80. Tamulis A., Tamuliene J., Ziemys A., "Quantum Mechanical Investigation of Charge Transport in Disk-like Molecules", Book of abstracts of 31st Lithuanian National Conference of Physic, held in Vilnius, Lithuania, February, 5-7, 1996, p.161 (in Lithuanian).
81. L. M. Balevicius, E. Stumbrys, A. Tamulis, "Investigation of Stability of C24 and C26, Fullerene Molecules Using PM3 Method", Proceedings of conference: "Lithuanian Science Physics and Industry ", Kaunas Technology University, 11 of April 1996, p.p. 31-34, (in Lithuanian).
82. Tamulis A., Stumbrys E., Tamulis V., "Design of Basic Elements of Molecular Computers Based on Small Fullerene Molecules with Photoactive Molecules", Book of abstracts of "A NorFA Nordic-Baltic Workshop", Gothenburg, Sweden, June 17-18 1996, p. 8.
83. A. Tamulis, E. Stumbrys, L. M. Balevicius, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, "Design of Magnetically Active Basic Elements of Molecular Digital and Postdigital Computers Based on Quantum Mechanical Investigation of Fullerenes, Photoactive Supermolecules and Supramolecules", Book of abstracts of NATO ASI on "Dynamical Properties of Unconventional Magnetic Systems" held in Geilo, Norway April 2-12, 1997, p. P42.
84. Balevicius L.M., Stumbrys E., Tamulis A., "Conformations and Electronic Structure of Fullerene C24 and C26 Molecules", Fullerene Science and Technology, 1997, vol. 5, No. 1, p.p. 85-96.
85. A. Tamulis, E. Stumbrys, L. M. Balevicius, A. Graja, J. Tamuliene, "Quantum Chemical ab initio Investigation of Two C60 Fullerene and CS2 Molecules", Book of abstracts of Vth International Seminar on "Highly Conducting Organic Materials For Molecular Electronics", held in Poznan-Puszczykowo, Poland June 8-12, 1997, p. O17.
86. A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis, E. Stumbrys, M. L. Balevicius, J. Tamuliene, "Quantum Mechanical Investigation of Stability of Small Fullerene and Photoactive Molecules and Design Basic Elements of Digital and Postdigital Computers", Book of abstracts of 3rd DIMACS Workshop on DNA Based Computers, held in Philadelphia, USA, June 23-25, 1997, p. 361
87. A. Tamulis, M. L. Balevicius, A. Graja, J. Tamuliene, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Complexes: Fullerene C60 + CS2 Molecules, Book of abstracts of 32nd Lithuanian National Conference of Physics, held in Vilnius, Lithuania, October 8-10, 1997, p. 378-379.
88. A. Tamulis, R. R. Abdreimova, M. L. Balevicius, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, "Ab initio Quantum Chemical Investigations of Phosphorus P4 Organometallic Complexes", Book of abstracts of 32nd Lithuanian National Conference of Physics, held in Vilnius, Lithuania, October 8-10, 1997, p. 376-377.
89. Tamulis, A., Tamulis, V., "Quantum Mechanical Design of Basic Elements of Molecular Computers", #8 Newsletter of International Society of Molecular Electronics and BioComputing, November 1997, p.p. 15-27.
90. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius, R. R. Abdreimova, M. Peruzzini, "Ab initio Investigations of the Catalytic Activation of P4 by Transition Metal complexes", Book of Abstracts of First Annual Meeting of INCO COPERNICUS Project ERB IC15 CT960746 "New "Chlorine Free" Technology of Organophosphorus Compounds Based on Catalytic Reactions of Elemental Phosphorus", held in Florence, Italy, December 19th, 1997, p. p. 11-12.
91. A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis, "Design of Basic Elements of Molecular Computers Based on Quantum Chemical Investigations of Photoactive Organic Molecules", Proceedings of the SPIE Photonics WEST Conference on Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits II, held on 24-30 January, 1998, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, U.S.A., Volume 3290, p.p. 315-324.
92. A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, "Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Fullerene, Photoactive and Organometallic Molecules, Complexes, Supermolecules and Design of Basic Elements of Molecular Devices for the Electronically Genome Regulation", Book of abstracts of Kyoto University International Conference on "The Role of Radiation in the Origin of Life", held in Osaka, Japan, 2-5 March, 1998, p. 20.
93. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Photoactive and Fullerene Molecules and Supermolecules and Design of Basic Elements of Molecular Computing Devices", Book of abstracts of meeting "From Small to Large IV. High Performance Computing of Non-Linear and Photonics Materials", held in Linköping, Sweden, 4-7 March 1998, p. 37.
94. A. Tamulis, R. R. Abdreimova, J. Tamuliene M. L. Balevicius, "Quantum Chemical ab initio P4 Phosphorus Catalytic Reactions Investigations" Book of abstracts of Kaunas Technology University Conference on Physics held in Kaunas, Lithuania, 20-21 April 1998, p.p. 253-255.
95. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, A. Graja, M. L. Balevicius, "Quantum Chemical ab initio Investigations of Non-covalent Bonding C60 Fullerene and CS2, C6H6 Molecules, Li Atom Derivatives" Book of abstracts of Kaunas Technology University Conference on "Physics" held in Kaunas, Lithuania, 20-21 April 1998, p.p. 278-281.
96. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, R. R. Abdreimova, M. L. Balevicius, "Quantum Mechanical ab initio Investigations of Free Phosphorus Catalytic Reactions in Cu and Fe Organometallic Complexes" Book of abstracts of Kaunas Technology University International Conference on "Inorganic Chemistry and Technology" held in Kaunas, Lithuania, 22-23 April 1998, p.p. 184-189.
97. A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis and J. Tamuliene, "Quantum Mechanical Design of Molecular Implementation of Two, Three and Four Variable Logic Functions for Electronically Genome Regulation", Viva Origino, vol. 26 (1998) 127-146.
98. A. Tamulis and J. Tamuliene, "Theoretical Investigations of Photoactive Molecules and Design of Molecular Logical Devices", Book of Abstracts of 12th Nordic Symposium on Computer Simulation: Statistical Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, Membranes and Polymers, University of Jyvaskyla, 10-14 June, 1998, p. 79.
99. A. Tamulis, R. R. Abdreimova, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius, M. Peruzzini, "Quantum Chemical ab initio Investigations of Oxidative P-O coupling of Tetraphosphorus with Alcohol on Pt (IV, II) Halides", Book of abstracts of XXXIII International conference on Coordination Chemistry "The Chemistry of Metal Ions in Everyday Life", held in Florence, Italy August 30-September 4, 1998, p. 551.
100. V. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, A Tamulis, M. Peruzzini, "Quantum Chemical ab initio Investigations of Tetraphosphorus Activation in Coordination sphere of Transition Metal Complexes", Book of abstracts of XXXIII International conference on Coordination Chemistry "The Chemistry of Metal Ions in Everyday Life", held in Florence, Italy August 30-September 4, 1998, p. 552.
101. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Fullerene, Photoactive and Organometallic Molecules, Complexes, Supramolecules, Supermolecules and Design of Basic Elements of Digital and Postidigital Molecular Computing Devices", Book of abstracts of European Conference on Thin Organized Films, held in Potsdam, Germany, 14-18 September 1998, p.p. 135-135a.
102. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, A. Graja, "Quantum Chemical ab initio investigations of non-covalent bonding derivatives of fullerene C60 and Li atom or CS2, C6H6 molecules" Fullerene Science and Technology, vol. 6, No. 6, November 1998, p.p. 1097-1109.
103. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius, V. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, "Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Fullerene, Photoactive and Organometalic Molecules, Complexes, Supramolecules, Supermolecules and Design of Basic Elements of Digital and Postidigital Molecular Computing Devices", Abstracts of Sixth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology, held in USA, 12-15 November, 1998. The URL of the document is
104. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, M. L. Balevicius, N. A. Kotov, "Design of Photoactive Molecular Devices Based on Quantum Chemical Investigations of Phenylenediamine, Carbazole, Tetracyanoquinodimethane and Benzene Molecules", Book of abstracts of Seventh Conference on "Current Trends in Computational Chemistry" held in Jackson State University, Vicksburg, Mississippi, November 6-7, 1998, p.p. 124-125.
105. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, M. Peruzzini, N. A. Kotov, "Quantum Chemical ab initio Investigations of Tetraphosphorus Activation in Coordination Sphere of Transition Metal Complexes", Book of abstracts of Seventh Conference on "Current Trends in Computational Chemistry" held in Jackson State University, Vicksburg, Mississippi, November 6-7, 1998, p.p. 126-127.
106. A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, N. A. Kotov, "Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Fullerene, Photoactive and Organometalic Molecules, Complexes, Supramolecules, Supermolecules and Design of Molecular Logical Devices", Book of abstracts of Seventh Conference on "Current Trends in Computational Chemistry" held in Jackson State University, Vicksburg, Mississippi, November 6-7, 1998, p.p. 128-129.
107. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, M. L. Balevicius, N. A. Kotov, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Molecular Diode Designed From 1,4-Phenylenediamine and Benzene Molecules", Proceedings of the conference "Lithuania without science - Lithuania without future" held in Vilnius Gedimino Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 30th September-2nd October, 1998, p. p. 67-72.
108. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius. N. A. Kotov, "Design of Random-Walk Stilbene Molecules Devices Based on ab initio Quantum Chemistry Investigations", Proceedings of the conference on "Interactions Between Radiation and Materials" held in Kaunas, Lithuania, 16 April 1999, p.p. 189-192.
109. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius. N. A. Kotov, "Theoretical Design of Random-Walk Molecular Devices Based on Azo-Dyes investigation", Proceedings of the conference on "Interactions Between Radiation and Materials" held in Kaunas, Lithuania, 16 April 1999, p.p. 71-73.
110. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, R. R. Abdreimova, M. L. Balevicius, N. A. Kotov, M. Peruzzini, "Theoretical Investigations of Oxidative P-O Coupling of Tetraphosphorus with Alcohol on Pt(IV) and Pt(II) Chlorides and Bromides", Proceedings of the conference on "Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Compounds" held in Kaunas, Lithuania, 16 April 1999, p.p. 69-73.
111. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, R. R. Abdreimova, M. L. Balevicius, N. A. Kotov, M. Peruzzini, "Theoretical Investigations of Oxidative P-O Coupling of Tetraphosphorus with Alcohol on Pd(IV) and Pd(II) Chlorides and Bromides", Proceedings of the conference on "Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Compounds" held in Kaunas, Lithuania, 16 April 1999, p.p. 74-77.
112. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius. N. A. Kotov, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Molecular Diodes and Molecular Logical Devices OR and NOR Design", Proceedings of NEXUSPAN workshop on "Microsystems Technology Activities in Baltic Region" held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-24 April 1999, p. p. 113-115.
113. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius. N. A. Kotov, "Quantum Chemical ab initio Design of Multivariable Anisotropic Random-Walk Stilbene and Azo-Dyes Based Molecular Devices", Proceedings of NEXUSPAN workshop on "Microsystems Technology Activities in Baltic Region" held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-24 April 1999, p. p. 117-119.
114. A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, N. A. Kotov, "Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Fullerene, Photoactive and Organometallic Molecules, Complexes, Supramolecules, Supermolecules and Design of Molecular Devices for the Electronically Genome Regulation", Proceedings of NEXUSPAN workshop on "Microsystems Technology Activities in Baltic Region" held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-24 April 1999, p. 120.
115. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, N. A. Kotov, "Quantum Mechanical Investigation of Photoactive Supermolecules and Design of Molecular Motors and logical Devices", Book of Abstracts of NATO ARW on Polymers and Composites for Special Applications, 20-25 June 1999, Poznan, Poland, p.p. 142-144.
116. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, M. L. Balevicius, N. A. Kotov, "Design of Photoactive Molecular Devices Based on Quantum Chemical Investigations of Phenylenediamine, Carbazole, Tetracianoquinodimethane and Benzene Molecules", Book of Abstracts of NATO ARW on Polymers and Composites for Special Applications, 20-25 June 1999, Poznan, Poland, p.p. 262-263.
117. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, N. A. Kotov, "Quantum Chemical Design of Multivariable Anisotropic Random-Walk Stilbene and Azo-Dyes Based Molecular Devices, Book of Abstracts of NATO ARW on Polymers and Composites for Special Applications, 20-25 June 1999, Poznan, Poland, p.p. 264-265.
118. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius, J.M. Nunzi, "Quantum Chemical Design of Multivariable Anisotropic Random-Walk Molecular Devices Based on Stilbene and Azo-Dyes", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, 21-25 June 1999, Poznan, Poland, in journal Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2000, Vol. 354, p.p. 475-484.
119. M.L. Balevicius, A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, J.-M. Nunzi, "Study of Stilbene Molecule trans-cis Isomerization in First Excited State and Design of Molecular Random Walkers", Proceedings of NATO ARW on "Multiphoton and Light Driven Multielectron Excitations in Organics: New phenomena, Materials and Applications", held in Menton, France, August 26 - 31, 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000, NATO Science Series 3. High Technology - Vol. 79, p.p. 437-450.
120. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, M. L. Balevicius, "Quantum Chemical investigations of Tetraphosphorus Activation using Ni(IV) Chloride and Bromide Complexes", Lithuanian Journal of Physics" ("Lietuvos Fizikos Zurnalas"), vol. 39, No 6, p.p. 463 - 468, 1999.
121. M. L. Balevicius, J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, "Trans-Cis Isomerization of Stilbene Molecule in First Excited State", Lithuanian Journal of Physics (Lietuvos Fizikos Zurnalas), vol. 39, No 6, p.p. 457 - 461, 1999.
122. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, M. L. Balevicius, A. Graja, "Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Methods for Investigations of Fullerene C60, CS2 and Tetrathiafulvalene Molecules and their Complexes", "Fullerene Science and Technology", vol. 8, p.p. 165-178, 2000.
123. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius, J.-M., Nunzi "Quantum Chemical Design of Light Induced Logically controlled Multivariable Anisotropic Random-walk Molecular Devices, Book of Abstracts of SPIES Optoelectronics 2000, International Symposium on Integrated Optoelectronic Devices, SPIE Conference Organic Photonics Materials and Devices II (OE04), held in San Jose, California, USA, January 22-28, 2000, p. 44.
124. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius, J.-M. Nunzi, "Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Photoactive Molecules and Design of Molecular Machine and Logical Devices", in Proceedings of Photonics West 2000 conference, SPIE Conference Organic Photonics Materials and Devices II (OE04), held in San Jose, California, USA, January 22-28, 2000, Editors: Donald D. C. Bradley, Bernard Kippelen, Vol. 3939, p.p. 61-68.
125. A. Tamulis, R.R. Abdreimova, J. Tamuliene, M. Peruzzini, M.L. Balevicius, "Platinum Mediated Oxidative P-O Coupling of White Phosphorus and Alcohols: an Ab Initio Study", Inorganica Chimica Acta, vol. 307 , p.p. 71-76, 2000.
126. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius, J.M. Nunzi, R. Abdreimova, M. Peruzzini, A. Graja, "Quantum Chemical ab initio Search for Novel Molecular Technologies", Book of extended abstracts of 5th International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, held in Davos, Switzerland, March 12-16, 2000, p. E21.
127. L. M. Balevicius, J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, "Theoretical Investigations of CIS-TRANS Isomerization of Azobenzene Molecules Per Transition Linear State", Book of Abstracts of Kaunas Technology University conference "Applied Physics", held in Kaunas, April 13, 2000, p.p. 68-70.
128. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius, J.M. Nunzi, " Quantum Chemical Design of Light Induced Logically Controlled Multivariable Anisotropic Random-Walk Molecular Devices", Book of abstracts of Sixth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers, held in Leiden Center for Natural Computing, Netherlands, June 13-17, 2000, p.p. 275-277.
129. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius, Z. Rinkevicius, "Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Design of Single Supermolecule Photoactive Devices", Book of abstracts of 12th Blois meeting on Frontiers of Life, held in Chateu de Blois, France, June 25 - July 01, 2000, p.p. 54-55.
130. A. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, J. Tamuliene, "Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Design of Supermolecule Logical Devices", Book of abstracts of 12th Blois meeting on Frontiers of Life, held in Chateu de Blois, France, June 25 - July 01, 2000, p.p. 55-56.
131. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius, M.M. Olmstead, A.L. Balch, A.K. Gaigalas, Li Li, J.-M. Nunzi, A. Graja, R.R. Abdreimova, M. Peruzzini, "Quantum Chemical ab initio Search for Novel Molecular Technologies", Book of extended abstracts of Second International Symposium on Optical Power Limiting, held in Venice, Italy, July 2-5, 2000, p.p. 16-21.
132. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.M. Olmstead, A.L. Balch, A. Graja, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Stability of Non-Covalent Fullerene C60 Complexes and Dimers and Endohedral C80 Derivatives. Design of Fullerene Based Molecular Devices.", Book of extended abstracts of Second International Symposium on Optical Power Limiting, held in Venice, Italy, July 2-5, 2000, p.p. 89-91.
133. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius J.-M. Nunzi, "Quantum Chemical Design of Light Induced Logically Controlled Multivariable Anisotropic Random-Walk Molecular Devices", Book of extended abstracts of Second International Symposium on Optical Power Limiting, held in Venice, Italy, July 2-5, 2000, p.p. 92-95.
134. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, M.L. Balevicius, Z. Rinkevicius, "Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Design of Single Supermolecule Photoactive Devices", Book of extended abstracts of Second International Symposium on Optical Power Limiting, held in Venice, Italy, July 2-5, 2000, p. 96.
135 A. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, J. Tamuliene "Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Design of Supermolecule Logical Devices", Book of extended abstracts of Second International Symposium on Optical Power Limiting, held in Venice, Italy, July 2-5, 2000, p.p. 97-98.
136. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius, J.-M. Nunzi, "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Disperse Orange 3 Molecule Cis-Trans Isomerization Through Linear Transition State and Design of Molecular Machines", in Applications of Photonic Technology 4, Roger A. Lessard, George A. Lamppropoulos, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 4087, p.p. 662-670, 2000.
137. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius, Z. Rinkevicius, M.M. Olmstead, A.L. Balch, A.K. Gaigalas, Li Li, J.-M. Nunzi, A. Graja, R.R. Abdreimova, M. Peruzzini, "Quantum Chemical ab initio Search for Novel Molecular Technologies", Book of extended abstracts of the World Congress on Biotechnology, 11th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, held in 3-8 September 2000, Berlin, Germany, Volume 2, p.p. 161-167.
138. A. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, J. Tamuliene "Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Design of Supermolecule Logical Devices", Book of extended abstracts of Workshop on Life, held in Modena, Italy, September 3-8, 2000, p.p. 79-80.
139. M.L. Balevicius, A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, "Role of Excited States on Cis-Trans Isomerization of Disperse Orange 3 Molecule, Lithuanian Journal of Physics, vol. 40, No 6, p.p. 387-393, 2000.
140. A. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, V. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, S.P. Karna, C.M. Stickley, "Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Design of Photoactive Molecular Logical Devices", Nonlinear Optics, vol. 27, p.p. 385-393, 2001.
141. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius, Z. Rinkevicius, "Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Search of Per Linear Transition State of Azo-Dye Molecules and Design of Molecular Logical Machines", Nonlinear Optics, vol. 27, p.p. 481-488, 2001.
142. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, "Quantum Chemical ab initio Design of Molecular Electronics Tools for Biotechnologies", Biotech News International, vol. 6, No. 5, p.p. 12-14, 2001.
143. A. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, M.L. Balevicius, A. Graja, "Ab initio quantum chemical design of supermolecule logical devices" , in Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits and Packaging V, James G. Grote, Randy A. Heyler, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4290, p.p. 82-93, 2001.
144. Arvydas Tamulis, Zilvinas Rinkevicius, Vykintas Tamulis, Jelena Tamuliene, "Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Design of Light Driven Molecular Machines and Logic Gates of Classical and Quantum Molecular Computers", Book of abstracts of NATO ASI, "Complexity from Microscopic to Macroscopic scales: Coherence and Large Deviations", Geilo, Norway, April 17--27, 2001.
145. M.L. Balevicius, J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, "Influence of Various Substituents for Isomerization Process of Azo-Dye", Lithuanian Journal of Physics, vol. 41, No2, p.p. 83-88, 2001.
146. A. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, V. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, "Quantum Chemical Design of Logic Gates of Classical and Quantum Molecular Computers and Light Driven Molecular Logical Machines", book of abstracts of international conference "Towards Molecular Electronics", 25-30 June 2001, Srem, Poland, p. L17.
147. A. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, J. Tamuliene, "Molecular Classical Computer Basic Elements", in "Decoherence and Implication in Quantum Computation and Information Transfer" edited by T. Gonis and P.E.A. Turchi, NATO Science Series III Computer and Systems Sciences, vol. 182, p.p. 358-365, 2001.
148. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Design of Single Supermolecule Photoactive Machines and Molecular Logical Devices, Report to the contract US AF EOARD contract F61775-00-WE050, 2001,
149. A. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, V. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, A. Graja, "Quantum Chemical Design of Logic Gates of Classical and Quantum Molecular Computers and Light Driven Molecular Logical Machines", book of abstracts of NATO ARW on Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications, held in 1-5 September 2001, Poznan, Poland, p. 21.
150. Z. Rinkevicius, A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Chemical Design of Molecular Computers Basic Elements", book of abstracts of NATO ARW on Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications, held in 1-5 September 2001, Poznan, Poland, p. 47.
151. M.L. Balevicius, J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, "Isomerization Path-Ways of Azo-Dye Derivatives", book of abstracts of NATO ARW on Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications, held in 1-5 September 2001, Poznan, Poland, p. 48.
152. Tamulis, A.; Rinkevicius, Z.; Tamulis, V., et al., “ Ab initio quantum chemical design of photoactive molecular logical devices”, Second International Symposium on Optical Power Limiting (ISOPL 2000), Venice Italy, Nonlinear Optics, Principles, Materials, Phenomena, and Devices, vol.27, no.1-4, Pages 385-93 (2001).
153. Tamulis, A.; Tamuliene, J.; Balevicius, M.L., et al., “Ab initio quantum chemical search of per linear transition state of azo-dye molecules and design of molecular logical machines”, Second International Symposium on Optical Power Limiting (ISOPL 2000), Venice Italy, Nonlinear Optics, Principles, Materials, Phenomena, and Devices, vol.27, no.1-4, Pages: 481-488 (2001).
154. A. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, A. Graja, A.K. Gaigalas, "Quantum Chemical Design of Light Driven Molecular Logical Machines", in Eds. A. Graja, B.R. Bulka, F. Kajzar, "Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications", KLUWER Academic Publishers in NATO ASI Series: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 2002, p.p. 209-219.
155. M.-L. Balevicius, J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, A. Graja, "Isomerization Pathways of Azobenzene", in Eds. A. Graja, B.R. Bulka, F. Kajzar, "Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications", KLUWER Academic Publishers in NATO ASI Series: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 2002, p.p. 289-292.
156. L. M. Balevicius, J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, "New Approach to Investigate Fluorescence", Proceedings of Kaunas Technology University Conference on Applied Physics, 2002, p.p. 103-106.
157. J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius, A. Tamulis, "Ab Initio Study of Copper-Mediated Oxidative P-O Coupling of White Phosphorus and Alcohols", Lithuanian Journal of Physics, vol. 42, p.p. 5-10, 2002.
158. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, Z. Rinkevicius, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Chemical First Principles Design of Single Supermolecule Photoactive Machines and Molecular Classical and Quantum Logic Devices", Book of abstracts of NATO ARW on Dynamic Interactions in Quantum Dot Systems, Puszczykowo, Poland, May 16-19, 2002, p.p. 29-30.
159. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, Z. Rinkevicius, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Mechanical Design of Quantum Computing Devices", Book of abstracts of NATO ASI on Molecular Electronics: Bio-sensors and Bio-computers, Pisa, Italy, June 24 - July 4, 2002, p.p. 30-32.
160. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, Z. Rinkevicius, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Chemical First Principles Design of Single Supermolecule Photoactive Machines and Molecular Classical and Quantum Logic Devices", book of abstracts of NATO ARW on "Organic Nanophotonics", Aix-en-Provence, France, August 25-29, 2002, p.22.
161. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, Z. Rinkevicius, V. Tamulis, "Charge Transfer in Molecular logic Devices Possessing Different Molecular Bridges", book of abstracts of NATO ARW on "Organic Nanophotonics", Aix-en-Provence, France, August 25-29, 2002, p.80.
162. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Mechanical Search for Molecular Quantum Computing Living Systems", book of abstracts of 1st Workshop of the COST Chemistry Action D27 on "Origin of Life and Early Evolution", Ravello, Italy, October 17-20, 2002, p. 65.
163. Arvydas Tamulis, Jelena Tamuliene, Vykintas Tamulis, “Quantum-Mechanically Designed Hardware of Molecular Electronics Digital and NMR Quantum Computers”, Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Book of extended abstracts of Conference on "Current Trends in Computational Chemistry" held in Jackson State University, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 2002, p.p. 157-158.
164. Arvydas Tamulis, Jelena Tamuliene, Zilvinas Rinkevicius, Vykintas Tamulis, “Quantum Mechanical Design of Single Supermolecule Photoactive Machines and Molecular Classical and Quantum Logic Devices”, Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Book of extended abstracts of Conference on "Current Trends in Computational Chemistry" held in Jackson State University, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 2002, p.p. 159-161.
165. Tamulis, A.; Rinkevicius, Z.; Tamulis, V., et al. “Quantum chemical first principles design of single supermolecule photoactive machines and molecular classical and quantum logic devices”, Conference Information: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology and 21st European Conference on Surface Science (NANO-7/ECOSS-21), Malmo Sweden, 7th International Conference on Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology and 21st European Conference on Surface Science, Page 2, 2002.
166. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Mechanical Design of Photoactive Molecular Machines and Logical Devices", 11th chapter in "Handbook of Photochemistry and Photobiology", Vol. 3 "Supramolecular Photochemistry", Ed. H.S. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers, p.p. 495-553, 2003.
167. J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius, A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis, "Charge Transfer in Molecular Logical Device Possessing Different Molecular Bridges", in NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, vol. 100, "Organic Nanophotonics", ed. by F. Charra, V. M. Agranovich, F. Kajzar, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, p.p. 73-79.
168. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, A. Graja, "Quantum Mechanical Design of Elements of Molecular Quantum Computers Based on Biliverdin and Aza-fullerene Compounds", in NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, vol. 91, "Low-Dimensional Systems: Theory, Preparation, and Some Applications", ed. by L. M. Liz-Marzan and M. Giersing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, p.p. 267-280.
169. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Mechanical Design of Light Driven Molecular Logical Machines and Elements of Molecular Quantum Computers", in NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, vol. 96, "Molecular Electronics: Bio-sensors and Bio-computers", ed. by L. Barsanti, V. Evangelista, P. Gualtieri, V. Passarelli, S. Vestri, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, p.p. 1-27.
170. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, M. L. Balevicius, Z. Rinkevicius, V. Tamulis, " Quantum Mechanical Studies of Intensity in Electronic Spectra of Fluorescein Dianion and Monoanion Forms", Structural Chemistry, vol. 14 (6), p.p. 643-648, 2003.
171. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, A. Ziriakoviene, M. L. Balevicius "Quantum Mechanically Designed Hardware of Molecular Electronics Digital and NMR Quantum Computers", book of abstracts of NATO ARW on "Smart and Functional Organic Materials", Bucharest, Romania, 10-15 June, 2003, p. 80.
172. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, "Quantum Mechanically Designed Hardware of Molecular Electronics Digital and NMR and ESR Quantum Computers", book of abstracts of Central European Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology "Towards Molecular Electronics", Srem, Poland, 23-28 June, 2003, p. P1.
173. A. Tamulis, Z. Rinkevicius, J. Tamuliene, "Quantum chemical ab initio design of molecular electronics devices for natural and artificial living systems", Proceedings of the XIIth Rencontres de Blois "Frontiers of Life", June 25 - July 1, 2000, Blois, France, Printed in Vietnam The Gioi Publishers, 2003, p.p. 305-317.
174. A. Tamulis, V. I. Tsifrinovich, S. Tretiak, G. P. Berman, D. L. Allara, “Neutral Radical Molecules Ordered in Self-Assembled Monolayer Systems for Quantum Information Processing”, e-Print archive, Quantum Physics,, quant-ph/0307136 [abs, pdf], July, 2003.
175. Tamulis, A.; Tamuliene, J.; Tamulis, V., et al., “ Quantum mechanical design of molecular electronics logical machines”, NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Smart and Functional Organic Materials", Bucharest Romania, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics-Concepts in Modern Optics, vol.30, no.3-4, Pages 267-284 (2003).
176. Tamulis, A.; Tamuliene, J.; Tamulis, V., et al., “ Quantum mechanical design of logic elements of NMR and ESR molecular quantum computers”, NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Smart and Functional Organic Materials", Bucharest Romania, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics-Concepts in Modern Optics, vol.30, no.3-4, Pages 285-300 (2003).
177. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, A. Ziriakoviene, "Quantum mechanical designed of logic elements of NMR and ESR molecular quantum computers", Program and book of abstracts of NATO ASI on "Structure, Dynamics and Function of Biological Macromolecules and Assemblies", Erice, Sicily, Italy, 10-22 July, 2003, p. 12.
178. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V.Tamulis, A. Ziriakoviene, A. Graja, "Quantum Mechanical Design of Molecular Electronics Logical Machines", J. of Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, vol. 30, p.p. 267-284, 2003.
179. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, A. Ziriakoviene, "Quantum Mechanical Design of Logic Elements of NMR and ESR Molecular Quantum Computers", J. of Nonlinear OpticS, Quantum Optics, vol. 30, p.p. 285-300, 2003.
180. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, A. Ziriakoviene, “Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Electronic Structure, Spectra, Electron Charge and Spin Density Transfer and Magnetically Features of Organic Molecules Suitable for Digital and Quantum Information Processing”, book of abstracts of 6th International Conference 'Self-Formation. Theory and Applications', 26-28 November, 2003, Vilnius, Lithuania, p.p. 105-107.
181. R. Augulis, J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, R. Rotomskis, “Quantum Mechanical Modeling of TPPS4 J-Aggregates', book of abstracts of 6th International Conference 'Self-Formation. Theory and Applications”, 26-28 November, 2003, Vilnius, Lithuania, p.p. 129-131.
182. R. Augulis, J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, R. Rotomskis, “Theoretical Modeling of TPPS4 J-Agregates”, Solid State Phenomena, Scitec Publications, Switzerland, Vols. 97-98, p.p. 225-228, 2004.
183. Arvydas Tamulis, Jelena Tamuliene, Vykintas Tamulis, Aiste Ziriakoviene, “Quantum Mechanical Design of Molecular Computers Elements Suitable for Self-Assembling to Quantum Computing Living Systems”, Solid State Phenomena, Scitec Publications, Switzerland, Vols. 97-98, p.p. 175-180, 2004.
184. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, J. Kulys, “Electronic Structure of Dodecyl Syringate Radical Suitable for ESR Molecular Quantum Computers", Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2004, p. 185-196.
185. A. Tamulis, J. Tamuliene, V. Tamulis, A. Ziriakoviene, "Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Electronic Structure, Spectra Electron Charge and Spin Density Transfer and Magnetical Features of Organic Molecules Suitable for Digital, Quantum and Biological Information Processing", book of abstracts of 8th EPS Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Rennes, France, 6-10 Jully, 2004, volume 28F, part II, p. 6-4.
186. M. L. Balevicius, A. Tamulis, “Search of Suitable Sensitizers” book of abstracts International conference on “ Structure and Spectroscopy” held in Vilnius , September 23-26, P9, 2004.
187. J. Tamuliene, M.L. Balevicius, A. Tamulis, “How Has the Bridge Fragment Choosen to Design of Charge Transfer Molecular Device?”, Structural Chemistry, vol. 15, No. 6, p.p. 579-585, 2004.
188. J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, V. Balevicius, L.M. Balevicius, V. Tamulis, “NMR Parameters of Aza-Fullerene and its Derivatives”, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, Vol. 13, No. 1, p.p. 65-78, 2005.
189. Jelena Tamuliene, Arvydas Tamulis, Peter Nielsen, “Quantum mechanical investigations of flexibility of E and E(ag) nucleobases”, book of abstracts of 36th Lithuanian National Physics Conference, Vilnius, June 16-18, 2005, p. 140-141.
190. Jelena Tamuliene, Arvydas Tamulis, “Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Self-Assembled System Consisting of Peptide Nucleic Acid, Sensitizer, and Lipid Precursor Molecules”, Lithuanian Journal of Physics, vol 45, No 3, p.p. 167-174, 2005.
191. Tamulis A, “ Quantum mechanical modeling of self-reproducible living PNA chip immersed in the lipid bilayer vesicle controlled by quantum computing logic gates”, 230th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society, AUG 28-SEP 01, 2005 Washington, DC, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Volume: 230, Page U1278, Meeting Abstract: 56-COMP Published: AUG 28 2005.
192. Arvydas Tamulis, Vykintas Tamulis, “Variety of Self-Replicating Complex Living System Based on Quantum Information”, book of abstracts of conference "Chembiogenesis 2005”, Venice, Italy, September 28 – October 01, 2005, p. 18.
193. A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis, A. Graja, “Quantum mechanical modeling of self-assembly and photoinduced electron transfer in PNA based artificial living organism”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 6, No 4, p.p. 965-973, 2006.
194. Monnard, P.A.; Bailey, J.; Boncella, J.; Chen, L.; Collis, G.; Colgate, S.; DeClue, M.; Fellerman, H.; Goranovic, G.; Jiang, Y.; Knutson, C.; Mouffouk, F.; Nielsen, P.; Sen, A.; Shreve, A.; Tamulis, A.; Travis, B.; Weronski, P.; Woodruff, W.; Zhang, J.; Zhou, X.; Ziock, H.; Rasmussen, S. Assembly of a Simple Self-Replicating Molecular Aggregate, presented at 4th Astrobiology Science Conference AbSciCon 2006, March 26-30, 2006, Washington, DC. Astrobiology 6, p. 228 (2006).
195. Arvydas Tamulis, Vykintas Tamulis, "Measure of Complexity and Photoinduced Electron Tunneling in Photosynthetic Systems of PNA Based Self-Assembled Protocells", book of abstracts of Third Annual Meeting COST Action P10 "Physics ofRisk" & Workshop on "Complex System Science", Vilnius Lithuania, 13-16 May 2006, pages 59-60.
196. Arvydas Tamulis, abstract of presentation „Basic Questions about the Origin of Life“, Question 9: Artificial life“ book of abstracts of International School on Complexity – 4th Course, Italy, Erice, 2-5 October, 2006, page 92.
197. Jelena Tamuliene, Arvydas Tamulis, Aiste Ziriakoviene, Andrzej Graja. „Quantum Chemical Design of Two Logical Functions Molecular Device“, Lithuanian Journal of Physics, vol. 46, p.p. 163-167 (2006).
198. Arvydas Tamulis, Vykintas Tamulis, „Quantum processes in photosynthetic systems of artificial minimal cells“, in book of abstracts of conference “Chembiogenesis 2006”, Barcelona, Spain, December 14 – 17, 2006, p. 24.
199. Zilvinas Rinkevicius, Arvydas Tamulis, Jelena Tamuliene. “Beta-Diketo Structure for Quantum Information Processing”, Lithuanian Journal of Physics, vol. 46, p.p. 413-416 (2006).
200. Arvydas Tamulis, Vykintas Tamulis, „Quantum Mechanical Self-Assembling of Artificial Minimal Cells and Control by Molecular Electronics and Spintronics Logical Devices”, book of abstracts of COST D27 Final Evaluation conference Prebiotic Chemistry and Early Evolution, Inter – University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 11 - 13, 2007, pages 30-31.
201. Arvydas Tamulis, Vykintas Tamulis, „Quantum mechanical modeling of artificial minimal living cells“ , book of abstracts of 37th Lithuanian national physics conference, June 11-13, 2007, page 128.
202. Arvydas Tamulis and Vykintas Tamulis, "Quantum Self-Assembly and Photoinduced Electron Tunneling in Photosynthetic System of Minimal Living Cell", Viva Origino, vol. 35, No 2, p.p. 66-72, 2007.
203. Arvydas Tamulis and Vykintas Tamulis, "Question 9: Quantum Self-Assembly and Photoinduced Electron Tunneling in Photosynthetic Systems of Artificial Minimal Living Cells", Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, vol. 37, No 4-5, p.p. 473-476, 2007.
204. A. Tamulis, V. I. Tsifrinovich, S. Tretiak, G. P. Berman, D. L. Allara, ”Neutral Radical Molecules Ordered in Self-Assembled Monolayer Systems for Quantum Information Processing”, Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 436, p.p. 144 - 149 (2007).
205. J. Tamuliene, Z. Rinkevicius , and A. Tamulis, “Investigations of Neutral Radical Molecules Suitable for Quantum Information Processing”, Lithuanian Journal of Physics, Vol. 47 , No. 2, pp. 137–142 (2007).
206. Arvydas Tamulis, Invited lecture, „Quantum Mechanical Self-assembling of Artificial Minimal Cells and Control by Molecular Electronics and Spintronics Logical Devices“, book of abstracts of International School „Advanced Methods in Biophysics“, 26-30 November, 2007, Hotel „Trasalis“, Trakai, Lithuania, 3 pages.
207. A.Tamulis, V. Tamulis, H. Ziock, S. Rasmussen, “Influence of Water and Fatty Acid Molecules on Quantum Photoinduced Electron Tunnelling in Photosynthetic Systems of PNA Based Self-Assembled Protocells”, Chapter #2 in book “Multiscale Simulation Methods for Nanomaterials”, eds. R. Ross and S. Mohanty, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, pages 9-28, 2008.
208. Arvydas Tamulis and Vykintas Tamulis, “Quantum Mechanical Design of Molecular Electronics OR Gate for Regulation of Minimal Cell Functions”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, vol. 5, No 4, p.p. 545-553, 2008.
209. Arvydas Tamulis, “Quantum Self-assembly of Artificial Minimal Living Cells and Molecular Electronics Control”, Viva Origino, vol 36, No 2, p.p. 10-19, 2008.
210. Arvydas Tamulis, „Quantum mechanical interpretation of the origin of life", in book „Science in the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Vilnius University“, Proceedings of 5th science conference, Vilnius, October 03, 2008, Publishing house of Vilnius University, pages 7-19.
211. A. Tamulis, “Quantum Mechanical Control of Artificial Minimal Living Cells”, NeuroQuantology, vol. 6, p.p. 311-322, 2008.
212. A. Tamulis, “Self-Assembly of Complex Systes: Artificial Living Cells?“, in book of abstracts of First International Academy of Astronautics Symposium on „Searching for Life Signatures“, page 21, UNESCO, Paris, France, September 22-26, 2008.
213. S. Rasmussen, J. Bailey, J. Boncella, L. Chen, G. Collis, S. Colgate, M. DeClue, H. Fellermann, G. Goranovic, Y. Jiang, C. Knutson, P.-A.Monnard, F. Mouffouk, P. E. Nielsen, A. Sen, A. Shreve, A. Tamulis, B. Travis, P. Weronski, W. H. Woodruff, J. Zhang, X. Zhou, and H.Ziock, "Assembly of a minimal protocel", in MIT Press book, "Protocells: Bridging nonliving and living matter", Editors: S. Rasmussen, M. A. Bedau, L. Chen, D. C. Krakauer, D. Deamer, N. H. Packard, and P. F. Stadler, pages 125-156, 2009.
214. Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, „Quantum mechanical origin of genetic material in minimal cells“, book of abstracts of 38th Lithuanian national physics conference, June 8-10, 2009, page 218.
215. Arvydas Tamulis “Quantum Processes of Self-assembly, Photosynthesis and Molecular Computing in Artificial Minimal Living Cells”, Book of abstracts of Eupoc2009-EPF Europolymer Conference, May 31 to June 4, 2009 at Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano Lago di Garda, # FP16, available at
216. A. Tamulis, M.Grigalavicius, „Quantum mechanical origin of genetic material in minimal cells“, book of abstracts of conference Chemistry 2009, October 16, Institute of Chemistry, A, Gostauto str. 9, Vilnius, p.115.
217. Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, „The Emergence and Evolution of Life in a “Fatty Acid World” Based on Quantum Mechanics”, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 2011) vol. 41, pages 51-71. Electronical version of this article available since May 05, 2010 at
218. Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, „Quantum mechanical origin of genetic material in minimal cells“, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, in a Special Issue on Technology Trends and Theory of Nanoscale Devices for Quantum Applications 2010, vol. 7, No 9, p.p. 1831-1841.
219. A. Tamulis, M. Grigalavicius, S. Krisciukaitis, G. Medzevicius, “Quantum Processes in 8-Oxo-Guanine-Ru(bipyridine)32+ Photosynthetic Systems of Artificial Minimal Cells”, ,Central European Journal of Physics, vol. 9(3), ( 2011), p.p. 775-791. DOI: 10.2478/s11534-010-0092-y, electronic version since June 24, 2010, available at:
220. Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavičius, „Magnetically controlled artificial minimal living cells“, book of abstracts of conference ICAMDATA 7, 21–24 September 2010, Vilnius, p. 69.
221. Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavičius, “The Emergence of Life was Predicted”, presentation in COST Action CM0805 “The Chemical Cosmos: Understanding Chemistry in Astronomical Environments” workshop on “Carbon in the Solar system”, Brussels, December 6 to 8, 2010. Abstract available at:
222. Arvydas Tamulis and Mantas Grigalavicius, "Quantum Mechanical Evolution of Fatty Acids World Life", Viva Origino, Vol. 38 (No. 2), pages 4-17, 2010, Available at:
223. Arvydas Tamulis, „Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Photosynthetic Systems of Artificial Minimal Cells Based on 8-Oxo-Guanine-Ru(bipyridine)32+", Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 8, Number 4, April 2011, pp. 624-636.
224. Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, Jonas Baltrusaitis, „Quantum Evolution of Fatty Acid World Life and Applications for Magnetically Controlled Artificial Minimal Cells“, book of abstracts of 39th Lithuanian National Physics Conference, p. 150, 2011, October 06-08, Vilnius University, Lithuania.
225. Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, Jonas Baltrusaitis, „Quantum Evolution of Fatty Acid World Life and Applications for Magnetically Controlled Artificial Minimal Cells“, book of abstracts of Chembiogenesis, p.p. 26-27, 2011, 27-30 October, Heraclion-Crete, Greece.
Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, Giedrius Medzevicius, Sarunas
Entangled Photosynthesis and OR Logic Gates Controlling Minimal
Artificial Cell“, Journal
and Theoretical Nanoscience,
vol. 9, No 3, p.p. 351-359, 2012, available
227. Arvydas Tamulis and Mantas Grigalavicius, “Molecular Spintronics Control of Photosynthesis in Artificial Cell”, “Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience”, vol. 10, No 4, p.p. 989-995, 2013.
228. Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius and Jonas Baltrusaitis (2013) „Phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement in a System Composed of Two Minimal Protocells“, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 43:49–66, DOI 10.1007/s11084-012-9323-0, available in electronic version at,
229. Arvydas Tamulis and Mantas Grigalavicius, “Quantum Mechanical Origin of Fatty Acid Life and Correlations with Anthropic Principle and Old Testament”, accepted in the journal Quantum Matter of the American Scientific Publishers, May 13, 2013.
230. Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, Sarunas Krisciukaitis, „Quantum Entanglement in a System Composed of Two Prebiotic Kernels with Molecular Spintronics Logic Devices for Control of Photosynthesis“ accepted in the Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, July 01, 2013.