Straipsniai ISI referuojamuose žurnaluose

    netiesinė dinamika

  1. V. Novičenko, I. Ratas: Unstable delayed feedback control to change sign of coupling strength for weakly coupled limit cycle oscillators, Chaos 31, 093138 (2021). PDF
  2. V. Novičenko, I. Ratas: In-phase synchronization in complex oscillator networks by adaptive delayed feedback control, Phys. Rev. E 98, 042302 (2018). PDF
    Erratum Phys. Rev. E 100, 039903 (2019). PDF
  3. V. Novičenko, I. Ratas: Optimal waveform for the entrainment of oscillators perturbed by an amplitude-modulated high-frequency force, Phys. Rev. E 94, 062213 (2016). PDF
  4. V. Novičenko: Delayed feedback control of synchronization in weakly coupled oscillator networks, Phys. Rev. E 92, 022919 (2015). PDF
  5. K. Pyragas, V. Novičenko: Phase reduction of a limit cycle oscillator perturbed by a strong amplitude-modulated high-frequency force, Phys. Rev. E 92, 012910 (2015). PDF
  6. K. Pyragas, V. Novičenko, P. A. Tass: Mechanism of suppression of sustained neuronal spiking under high-frequency stimulation, Biol. Cyber. 107, 669-684 (2013). PDF
  7. K. Pyragas, V. Novičenko: Time-delayed feedback control design beyond the odd-number limitation, Phys. Rev. E 88, 012903 (2013). PDF
  8. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas: Phase-reduction-theory-based treatment of extended delayed feedback control algorithm in the presence of a small time delay mismatch, Phys. Rev. E 86, 026204 (2012). PDF
  9. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas: Phase reduction of weakly perturbed limit cycle oscillations in time-delay systems, Physica D 241, 1090–1098 (2012). PDF
  10. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas: Computation of phase response curves via a direct method adapted to infinitesimal perturbations, Nonlinear. Dyn. 67, 517–526 (2012). PDF
  11. kvantinė optika

  12. D. Burba, M. Mackoit-Sinkevičienė, V. Novičenko, G. Juzeliūnas: Magnetically generated spin-orbit coupling for ultracold atoms with slowly varying periodic driving, Phys. Rev. A 109, 053319 (2024). PDF
  13. H. R. Hamedi, V. Novičenko, G. Juzeliūnas, V. Yannopapas, E. Paspalakis: Subwavelength confinement of a quantumemitter in ladder configuration adjacent to a nanostructured plasmonic metasurface, Physica E 151, 115711 (2023). PDF
  14. V. Novičenko, G. Žlabys, E. Anisimovas: Flow-equation approach to quantum systems driven by an amplitude-modulated time-periodic force, Phys. Rev. A 105, 012203 (2022). PDF
  15. B. Huang, V. Novičenko, A. Eckardt, G. Juzeliūnas: Floquet chiral hinge modes and their interplay with Weyl physics in a three-dimensional lattice, Phys. Rev. B 104, 104312 (2021). PDF
  16. P. Račkauskas, V. Novičenko, H. Pu, G. Juzeliūnas: Non-Abelian geometric potentials and spin-orbit coupling for periodically driven systems, Phys. Rev. A 100, 063616 (2019). PDF
  17. V. Novičenko, G. Juzeliūnas: Non-Abelian geometric phases in periodically driven systems, Phys. Rev. A 100, 012127 (2019). PDF
  18. V. Novičenko, J. Ruseckas, E. Anisimovas: Quantum dynamics in potentials with fast spatial oscillations, Phys. Rev. A 99, 043608 (2019). PDF
  19. V. Novičenko, E. Anisimovas, G. Juzeliūnas: Floquet analysis of a quantum system with modulated periodic driving, Phys. Rev. A 95, 023615 (2017). PDF

Preprintai ir kita

  1. V. Novičenko: Comment on "Adaptive modification of the delayed feedback control algorithm with a continuously varying time delay" [Phys. Lett. A 375 (44) (2011) 3866–3871], arXiv nuoroda

Konferencijų santraukos

  1. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas: Time-delayed feedback control of periodic orbits with an odd-number of positive unstable Floguet multiplieres, ENOC 2014 - Proceedings of 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (2014) PDF
  2. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas: Analytical properties of autonomous systems controlled by extended time-delay feedback in the presence of a small time delay mismatch, XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe (Madrid, 2013.06.03-07) (2013)
  3. K. Pyragas, V. Novičenko: Beyond the odd number limitation: Control matrix design for time delayed-feedback control algorithm, XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe (Madrid, 2013.06.03-07) (2013)
  4. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas: Analytical expression for the period of orbits stabilized by extended delayed feedback control, 5th CHAOS 2012 International Conference (2012)
  5. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas: Phase response curves for systems with time delay, XXXI Dynamics Days Europe (Oldenburg, 2011.09.12-16) (2011)
  6. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas: Phase response curves for systems with time delay, ENOC 2011 - The 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (2011) PDF

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Pavadinimas: Fazinės redukcijos ir vidurkinimo metodų plėtojimas ir taikymas netiesiniams osciliatoriams
Disertacijos tekstas lietuvių kalba (PDF), santrauka anglų kalba (PDF).

Magistrantūros baigiamasis darbas

Pavadinimas: Dirbtinio magnetinio lauko poveikis šaltiems atomams
Baigiamojo darbo tekstas lietuvių kalba (PDF).