Name: Arvydas TAMULIS
Citizenship: Lithuanian, citizen of the Republic of Lithuania, born in Taurage, Lithuania on 18th of March 1948.
Home address: Didlaukio 27-40, Vilnius 08320 , Lithuania; Mobile Tel.: +370-69919397.
Business address: Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University, rooms 347 and 453, A. Gostauto 12, Vilnius 01108, Lithuania; Tel. +(370-5)-2193263 Fax: +(370-5)-2125361;
Summary of scientific publications of Dr. A. Tamulis:
Total number of scientific publications 226: 5 chapters of books, 115 scientific articles in the refered issues (65 of them in the ISI Web of Science list, 46 of them in the journals possessing the impact factor).
List of scientific publications of Dr. A. Tamulis
Experience, education:
2009 Participation and invited lecture in the workshop: “Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Science”, AlbaNova University Campus, Stockholm, November 2 - 27, 2009, see , host professor Hans Agren.
2004-2008 science conferences at our created European Center for Living Technologies in Venice, see website:
2005 visiting scientist at the EES-6 at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA (February, July), host Professor Steen Rasmussen.
2002-2003 visiting scientist at the Centre for Nonlinear Studies at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA (from November 2002 to March 2003), host Professor G. Berman.
2000 visiting scientist at University of California, Davis, USA (from 28 January to 28 February), host Professor A.L. Balch.
1998 and 1999 visiting scientist at Groupe Composants Organiques, DTA-LETI-DEIN, Service de Physique Electronique, CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France (from 08 September to 07 November 1998 and from 04 October to 03 December 1999), host Professor J.-M. Nunzi.
1997- visiting scientist and Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (Max-Planck- Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung), Berlin, Germany (host Prof. D. Vollhardt, May 1997).
1996-present Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius University, Lithuania.
1996 Visiting Scientist at the ISSECC-CNR, Florence, Italy (from 08 January 1996 to 08 May 1996), host Professor C. Mealli.
1991-1996 Research Fellow at the state Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius, Lithuania.
1993 Legalized as Doctor of Natural Sciences in Lithuania.
1992 Visiting scientist in Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Physical Chemistry, Gothenburg, Sweden (from 01 August 1992 to 15 December 1992). Host Professor S. Larsson.
1985-1990 Research Fellow at the Institute of Physics of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
1985 Ph.D. degree of the Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. Theses entitled "Quantum Mechanical Investigation of Electronic Structure and Orbitals of Molecular Fragments and Selection Rules for Fragment Joining to Molecules".
1975-1985 Junior Research Fellow at the Institute of Physics of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
1971-1975 Junior Research Fellow at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
1971 Master of Theoretical Physics, Graduation from Vilnius University.
Principal directions of research:
Research in 1969-1977 years:
Quantum mechanical investigations of electronic structure of organic and biological molecules and intermolecular forces between these molecules.
Research in 1975-1984 years:
investigations of molecular fragments in the framework of computation quantum chemistry and point set symmetry group theory.
Research in 1985-1988 years:
Modeling of the processes of photogeneration and photosensibilization in carbazolyl containing photoconductors.
Research in 1989-1992 years:
Quantum chemical investigations of electronic structure of organic supermolecules and supramolecules, selection rules of their self-formation in molecular nanotechnology, design and quantum chemical investigation of photoactive molecular devices.
Research in 1992-1993 years:
Quantum chemical investigations of empty and endohedral fullerene C60 molecules as well as systems of two C60 molecules and design of molecular logic devices.
Research in 1994-1996 years:
Quantum mechanical investigations of stability of small empty and endohedral fullerene molecules C20+2n, n= 0, 2, 3,..., 16, 20 and disc like pentayne-containing supramolecules and design of molecular implementation of two, three and four variable logic functions, cells of molecular cellular automata, summators of neuromolecular networks and devices for genome regulation. Quantum chemical investigations of clathrates of C60 + CS2.
Research in 1997-1998 years:
Quantum mechanical investigations of superconductivity of alkali doped fullerenes, transition metal catalytic reactions of organophosphorus compounds and molecular triggers.
Research in 1998-1999 years:
Multivariable anisotropic logically controlled random-walk molecular devices (molecular motors), organometallic complexes, excited states of molecular logical and other molecular electronics devices.
Research in 2000 year:
a) spectra of fluorescein molecule anions; b) electronic and geometric structure of endohedral fullerene molecules: Sc3NC80, ErSc2NC80 , Sc3NC60 and light controlled molecular electrical and magnetic switches; c) series of fullerene dimers C120[2+2], OC120 [2+2], SC120[2+2], CH2-C120[2+2], d) series of aza-fullerene NC59-NC59 dimers and light controlled molecular machines; e) electronic and geometric structure of biliverdin derivatives and their dimers.
Research in 2001 year:
a) Design of single supermolecule classical logic gates using Density Functional Theory Time Dependent method (DFT-TD). Single electron hopping is evaluating and visualizing by our written software; b) Charge transfer DFT-TD investigations of CdS nano-particles covered by organic molecules. Single supermolecule fluorescencing and nano-medicine devices; c) design of molecular NMR and ESR quantum computing devices based on biliverdin derivatives and endohedral fullerenes (one is ErSc2N@[CCl2 CCl 2NCl]C80); d) design of light driven multivariable molecular logic machines and electron hopping visualization.
Research in 2002 year:
Design of NMR quantum computing devices based on aza-fullerene C48N12 derivatives; issuing first paper describing new idea concerning molecular quantum computing life; search for stable neutral radical molecules suitable for ESR quantum computing.
Research in 2003 year:
Formulated the necessary operating conditions for neutral radical molecules suitable for ESR quantum computing in self-assembled monolayer (SAM) systems: i) a tailoring group, to be attached to a substrate; ii) a noncompensated chemical bond, responsible for an unpaired spin must be strong enough; iii hyperfine splitting should be small avoiding atoms with large Fermi contact coupling in the region of a delocalized unpaired electron spin density; Quantum mechanical investigations of electronic structure of fragments of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) and energy of formation of their pairs.
Research in 2004 year:
Electron and spin density transfer in excited states of neutral radical molecules suitable for ESR quantum computing; Quantum mechanical investigations of electronic structure of fragments of PNA with implemented sensitizer molecules and energy of formation of such a photo-sensitive PNA pairs.
Research in 2005 year:
In order to better understand the origin of life and support the production of artificial living organisms and programmable nano-biorobots, we have modeled the self-assembly of artificial organisms composed of hundreds of thousands of atoms. For the self-assembly of nucleobases and light harvesting systems in water solution, we used quantum mechanical (QM) density functional theory (DFT) and the semiempirical PM3 method in the Gaussian 03 and GAMESS-US packages. For the self-assembly of double-layers of lipid molecules in water solution and the formation of the overall artificial protocell we used molecular mechanics (MM) in GROMACS software. Self-assembly modeling of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) based minimal living organisms was performed using software we developed for building PNA double helices. QM DFT simulations, which include electron correlations confirm that the water molecules which surround the entire bioorganic complex stabilize it. The complex modeled consists of a 1,4-bis(N,N-dimethylamino) naphthalene sensitizer molecule which is covalently bonded to a PNA fragment, a lipid precursor molecule, and a fragment of the lipid molecule monolayer which bounds the complex.
The usage of exact QM DFT and MM GROMACS modeling indicates the possibility of the emergence of PNA based minimal life some 3.8 – 3.5 billion years ago in the hot, harsh conditions of the early Earth.
Quantum mechanical search of various sensitizers and intermolecular insulator bridges enhancing the yield of photodissociation reactions of various precursors of lipids in the artificial living organisms taking into account surrounding water molecules.
In order to make lipid molecules, time dependent (TD-DFT) simulations show that the energy of excitation and charge transfer trajectories depend on the distance and orientation between sensitizer and lipid precursor molecules.
TD-DFT simulations of artificial living systems predict that from the first OR the fifth excited electronic states of a bioorganic complex implemented with either 1,4-dihydroquinoxaline or 1,4-bis(N,Ndimethylamino) naphthalene sensitizer molecules, electron charge transfer can occur from the sensitizer molecules to the lipid precursor molecule. This is the OR function in classic Boolean logic, but there exists a small possibility of reversible electron tunneling back to the sensitizer molecule, it is actually a quantum logic OR function. This reversible OR logic function controls the metabolic photodissociation of the lipid precursor molecule that will obviously show localization of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) in the first and fifth excited states of the waste end of the lipid precursor molecule. Analysis of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and LUMO in the third excited state shows the trajectory of the electron tunneling being from the sensitizer to the cytosine-PNA where it should induce photodissociation of complementary C-G hydrogen bonds or other processes related to PNA replication.
TD-DFT simulations of the bioorganic complex implemented with a syringate molecule show that in the first excited electronic state electron charge and spin density transfer will occur from this neutral radical to the lipid precursor molecule when the electron spin is up in the second electronic excited state while there is no electron and spin density transfer when the electron spin is down in the first electronic excited state. This is a NOT logic function in quantum logic. This NOT quantum logic function should be able to control metabolic photodissociation of lipid precursor molecule that will obviously show localization in the LUMO of the first excited state of the waste end of the lipid precursor molecule.
Our quantum simulations show the possibility of experimental synthesis of quantum logic controlled artificial organisms. Creation of molecular quantum computing organisms may have already occurred in the first stages of life’s emergence on Earth or may exist elsewhere on the hot planets near the stars possessing strong magnetic fields.
Research in 2006 year:
was used quantum mechanical (QM) electron correlation time dependent
density functional theory (TD DFT) method in both the Gaussian 03 and
GAMESS-US packages to investigate various self-assembled photoactive
bioorganic systems of artificial minimal cells based on peptide
nucleic acid (PNA).
electron correlation hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals interactions
that result from the addition of water and fatty acid molecules play
the critical role in quantum self-assembly of photosynthetic center
and functioning of the photosynthetic processes in artificial minimal
cells. The distances between the separated sensitizer, fatty acid
precursor (pFA) and water molecules are comparable to Van der Waals
and hydrogen bonding radii and therefore we may regard these minimal
cells as single electron conjugated supramolecules that we can deal
with using an electron correlated TD DFT models. These nonlinear
quantum interactions compress the overall system resulting in a
smaller gap between the HOMO - LUMO and photoexcited electron
tunneling from sensitizer to pFA molecules.
presenting quantum self-assembled model of the photosynthetic systems
includes a PNA fragment which is covalently bonded to a
1,4-bis(N,N-dimethylamino) naphthalene or Ru(bipyridine)32+
sensitizer molecules, pFA, fatty acid (FA) molecules constituting the
4 nm size micellar container’s inner monolayer with water. The
small 10 nm difference of the experimental absorption spectra peaks
in comparison with our QM calculated it is
possible to understand because of more water and fatty acid molecules
exist in the real photosynthetic center of minimal protocells [1, 2]
and makes possible to search for new sensitizers. The slightly
shorter wavelength given by the model is also consistent with our
finding that the inclusion of more water and fatty acid molecules in
the models resulted in longer wavelengths for the absorption
spectrum. The shift of the absorption spectrum to the red for the
artificial minimal cell photosynthetic center might be considered as
the measure of the complexity of this system.
small 10 nm difference of the experimental absorption spectra peaks
comparison with our QM calculated confirm that our chosen method of
designing single electron transfer minimal cells might be useful also
for wide implementation in the nano photodevices and molecular
have performed quantum mechanical investigations of effective
photosynthetic system consisting of good sensitizer Ru(bipyridine)32+
working under the exciting of visible light in the region from 455.18
nm to 402.85 nm and relaxing due to passing electron from good
electron donor 8-oxo-guanine-PNA molecule.
of hydrogen bonded cytosine molecule result the shift of the lowest
intense excited state wavelength from 455.18 nm to 456.99 nm, i.e.
nm to red region. The highest intense excited state shifted from
402.85 nm to 401.49 nm, i.e.
nm to blue region. This is usual process of splitting of spectrum of
complex quantum system due to hydrogen bonding interaction with
additional molecule.
[1] A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis A. Graja; Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 6, 965-973 (2006).
[2] Arvydas Tamulis, Vykintas Tamulis, Hans Ziock, Steen Rasmussen, “Influence of Water and Fatty Acid Molecules on Quantum Photoinduced Electron Tunnelling in Photosynthetic Systems of PNA Based Self-Assembled Protocells”, printing process in the book “Multi-scale Simulation Methods for Nanomaterials”, eds. R. Ross and S. Mohanty, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, pages 9-28, January 2008.
Research during 2007-2008 years:
used quantum mechanical (QM) electron correlation interactions
density functional theory (DFT) methods (i.e.
precision quantum mechanical simulations) to investigate various
self-assembled photoactive bioorganic systems of artificial minimal
living cells [1-6]. The cell systems studied are based on peptide
nucleic acid (PNA) and consisted of up to 360 atoms (not including
the associated water or methanol solvent shells) and are up to
3.0-4.2 nm in diameter. The electron correlations interactions
originating the hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals weak chemical bonds
that increase due to the addition of a polar solvent (water or
methanol) molecules, and fatty acid (FA) and precursor fatty acid
(pFA) molecules play a critical role in the QM interaction based
self-assembly of the photosynthetic center and functioning of the
photosynthetic processes of the artificial minimal living cells. The
distances between the separated sensitizer, precursor fatty acid, and
water or methanol molecules are comparable to Van der Waals and
hydrogen bonding radii. As a result these nonlinear quantum
interactions compress the overall system resulting in a smaller gap
between the HOMO and LUMO electron energy levels and photoexcited
electron tunneling occurs from the sensitizer (either a
1,4-bis(N,N-dimethylamino) naphthalene or a
to pFA molecules (notation used: Me = methyl; bpy = bipyridine).
electron tunneling and associated light absorption of most intense
transitions as calculated by the time dependent density functional
theory (TD DFT) method differs from spectroscopic experiments by only
0.3 or 0.2 nm, which is within the value of experiment errors [6].
This agreement implies that the quantum mechanically self-assembled
structures of minimal living cells very closely approximate the
realistic ones.
mechanical electron correlation experiments of self-assembly of above
described artificial minimal living cells show that these cells are
complex systems because only entire ensemble of PNA, and sensitizer,
and pFA, and FA and water molecules is stable and perform quantum
photosynthetic processes. Removing the small part of nucleobase, FA
and water molecules leads to the structural changes in comparison
with realistic structures and difference in comparison with the
spectroscopic values of photoexcited electron tunneling from
sensitizer (1,4-bis(N,N-dimethylamino)naphthalene to pFA molecules.
QM electron correlation experiments of self-assembly of artificial
minimal living cells removing the main part of nucleobase, and FA and
water molecules leads to the degradation of these cells [3-5]. We can
state what the inclusion of ever more water, and fatty acid, and pFA
molecules, and waste pieces of the pFA molecules and nucleobase
molecules in the different artificial minimal living cells results in
a shift of the absorption spectrum to the red for the artificial
protocell photosynthetic centre, leading to an ever closer approach
to the real experimental value and indicates the measure of the
complexity of this quantum complex system, i.e.
a minimal
protocell. It is important to say that only QM electron correlation
TD-DFT experiments with minimal living cells gives results exactly
comparable with spectroscopic results and all other more simplified
QM methods such as local gradient DFT or ab
initio Hartree-Fock
gives structures and spectra far from the experimentally
corresponding of experimental absorption spectra peaks and our QM
calculated confirm that our chosen method of designing single
electron nano photocells might be useful not only for artificial
living organisms but also for wide implementation in the nano
photodevices, and molecular computers.
goals are by using quantum mechanical experiments to predict the
possibility of biochemical experimental synthesis of molecular
electronics and spintronics logical elements information based
artificial living organisms or nanobiorobots for nanomedicine and
cleaning of nuclear, chemical and microbial pollutions.
are creating molecular electronics logic gates regulating the
photosynthesis, growing and dividing of artificial living cells and
nanobiorobots [7-13]. It was performed the study of G-C
self-assembling energies in various H2O
molecules clusters correlating these energies with the G-C
dehybridization energies due to charge transfer in the H2O
molecules clusters surrounded the photosynthetic center of artificial
minimal living cell controlled by the last chain of genome, i.e.
bonded G-C supramolecule.
of quantum information bits based on spatially localized electron
spins in stable molecular radicals was investigated by unrestricted
time dependent functional theory methods [8-10]. The g-tensor shift
calculations of neutral radical molecules was performed for
beta-diketone and syringate. beta-diketone neutral radical moiety
with an attached hydrocarbon chain. Beta-diketone is suitable for
construction of quantum computing processing devices because the
qubit is relatively stable due to the small magnitude of g-tensor
shift component that is aligned with the external magnetic field,
i.e. the direction of hydrocarbon chain which provide the
self-assembled monolayer an attachment of the molecule to a substrate
DFT simulations of the artificial minimal living cells with
implemented molecular electronics and spintronics gates done using
self-assembled neutral radical molecules beta-diketone and syringate
show that it is possible to construct more general ContrlNOT and NAND
logic functions suitable for the production of the nanobiorobots.
Designed of variety of the molecular spintronics devices will
regulate photosynthesis and growth of artificial minimal living cells
in the conditions of external magnetic fields, while also providing a
perspective of the requirements for success in the synthesis of new
forms of artificial living organisms.
Jelena Tamuliene, Arvydas Tamulis, “Quantum Mechanical
Investigations of Self-Assembled System Consisting of Peptide Nucleic
Acid, Sensitizer, and Lipid Precursor Molecules”, Lithuanian
Journal of Physics,
vol 45, No 3, p.p. 167-174, 2005.
A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis A. Graja, “Quantum mechanical modeling of
self-assembly and photoinduced electron transfer in PNA based
artificial living organism”, Journal
of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
965-973 (2006).
Arvydas Tamulis and Vykintas Tamulis, "Quantum Self-Assembly and
Photoinduced Electron Tunneling in Photosynthetic System of Minimal
Living Cell", Viva
vol. 35, p.p. 66-72, 2007.
Arvydas Tamulis and Vykintas Tamulis, "Quantum Self-Assembly and
Photoinduced Electron Tunneling in Photosynthetic Systems of
Artificial Minimal Living Cells", Origins
of Life and Evolution of Biospheres,
37, 473-476, 2007.
A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis, H. Ziock, S. Rasmussen, "Influence of
Water and Fatty Acid Molecules on Quantum Photoinduced Electron
Tunnelling in Photosynthetic Systems of PNA Based Self-Assembled
Protocells, chapter #2 in book "Multiscale
Simulation Methods for Nanomaterials",
Edited by Richard B. Ross and Sanat Mohanty, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New Jersey, ISBN: 978-0-470-10528-3, pages 9-28, January
S. Rasmussen, J. Bailey, J. Boncella, L. Chen, G. Collins, S.
Colgate, M. DeClue, H. Fellermann, G. Goranovic, Y. Jiang, C.
Knutson, P.-A. Monnard, F. Moufouk, P. Nielsen, A. Sen, A. Shreve, A.
Tamulis, B. Travis, P. Weronski, W. Woodruff, J. Zhang, X. Zhou, and
H. Ziock, “Assembly of a minimal protocell”, in MIT Press book,
Bridging nonliving and living matter”,
eds S. Rasmussen, M. Bedau, L. Chen, D. Krakauer, D. Deamer, N.
Packard, and P. Stadler, 2007, in
Arvydas Tamulis, Jelena Tamuliene, Vykintas Tamulis, Aiste
Ziriakoviene, “Quantum Mechanical Design of Molecular Computers
Elements Suitable for Self-Assembling to Quantum Computing Living
Systems”, Solid
State Phenomena,
Scitec Publications, Switzerland, Vols. 97-98, p.p. 175-180,
A. Tamulis, V. I. Tsifrinovich, S. Tretiak, G. P. Berman, D. L.
Allara, ”Neutral Radical Molecules Ordered in Self-Assembled
Monolayer Systems for Quantum Information Processing”, Chem.
Phys. Lett.,
p.p. 144 - 149 (2007).
J. Tamuliene, A. Tamulis, J. Kulys, “Electronic Structure of
Dodecyl Syringate Radical Suitable for ESR Molecular Quantum
Computers”, Nonlinear
Analysis: Modeling and Control,
Vol. 9, No 2, p.p. 185-196 (2004).
A. Tamulis, V. Tamulis, “Variety of Self-Replicating Complex Living
System Based on Quantum Information”, book of abstracts of
conference “Chembiogenesis
2005”, Venice, Italy, Sept. 28 – Oct. 01, 2005, page 18.
Jelena Tamuliene, Arvydas Tamulis, Aiste Ziriakoviene, Andrzej Graja,
„Quantum Chemical Design of Two Logical Functions Molecular
Device“, Lithuanian
Journal of Physics,
vol. 46,
p.p. 163-167 (2006).
Z. Rinkevicius, Arvydas Tamulis, Jelena Tamuliene. “Beta-Diketo
Structure for Quantum Information Processing”, Lithuanian
Journal of Physics,
vol. 46,
p.p. 413-416 (2006).
Arvydas Tamulis and Vykintas Tamulis, “Quantum Mechanical Design of
Molecular Electronics OR Gate for Regulation of Minimal Cell
Functions”, Journal
of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,
vol. 5, 2007, in
Abstract of 2012-2009 years research:
Quantum Mechanical Origin of Simplest Forms of Life
Quantum mechanical density functional theory nonlocal gradient electron correlation interactions methods are used for investigations of various self-assembled photoactive fatty acid micelles. The micelle systems studied are based on a photoactive squarine sensitizer, an 8-oxo-guanine electron donor, cytosine, a fatty acid and its precursor (pFA) molecules [12]. The systems include a water environment and consist of some 400 atoms and are up to about 4.5 nm in diameter. The quantum mechanical based electron correlation interactions are the source of the weak hydrogen and Van der Waals chemical bonds that are critical to the behavior of these systems. Polar solvent molecules such as water increase the strength of these bonds and thus play a central role in the self assembly and functioning of the systems studied. The distances between the separated sensitizer, precursor of fatty acid, and water molecules are comparable to Van der Waals and hydrogen bonding radii. As a result, these nonlinear quantum interactions compress the overall molecular system resulting in a smaller gap between the HOMO and LUMO electron energy levels allowing enhanced tunneling of photoexcited electrons from the sensitizer to pFA. The most intense excited states of the photoactive fatty acid micelles are partially composed of LUMO+n states located on the fatty acid precursors when the bis(4-diphenylamine-2-phenyl)-squarine molecule is covalently attached to the 8-oxo-guanine. This coupling also promotes electron hopping (tunneling) to the pFA molecules during the most intense absorption excited state. The photoexcited electron tunnels to the waste end of the pFA molecules where it causes these molecules to split due to intense rotation and vibration of the weak chemical bond that joins the waste piece to the fatty acid section of the pFA molecule. The most intense absorption lines of the squarine-8-oxo-guanine supermolecule were found to be shifted to the red when these molecules were associated with fatty acid micelles. In addition, the 8-oxoguanine:: cytosine-squarine supramolecule was observed to have an absorption region that covered more of the visible spectrum than a squarine-8-oxo-guanine supermolecule. The redward shift of the intense absorption lines would allow a self reproducing micelle to absorb the light in the longer wavelength region, which may have been important in the environment that life might have developed, in addition to extending the photoactive period into the earlier morning and later evening hours. That allowed better compete for such a kind of evolved photoactive micelles of Fatty Acids World life in getting the food molecules. Furthermore, one notes that the nucleotide caused wavelength shift and broadening of the absorption pattern potentially gives the nucleotides an additional valuable role, other than just a purely genetic one in the early stages of the development of life. The main quantum mechanical research result of our research group is that life in the Earth or elsewhere in the Space could have emerged in the form of self-reproducing photoactive fatty acid micelles, which step by step evolved to nucleotide containing micelles due to an enhanced ability to absorb visible light. The nucleotide molecules and their sequences, which in the first period of evolution of fatty acid molecules were useful just for better absorbency of the light in the longer wavelength region, later in the peptide nucleic acid (PNA) or RNA World living organisms took on the role of genetic information storage. From the information theory point of view, the nucleotide molecules sequences in the Fatty Acids World micelles carry positional information how to directly provide better relaxation electron transport along the nucleotide-sensitizer chain and in addition providing complimentary copies of that information to the next generation. The result of self-assembly of molecules in minimal cells depends on the electromagnetic forces between electrons and in general is predicted by existence of the universal physical constants. Molecules are built from atoms therefore for the thermonuclear reactions and atom synthesis in the stars are important also the rest three fundamental forces: strong and weak nuclear interactions and gravitation (for the self-formation of stars). Universal constants of physical interactions did not changed in the Universe during last 13.73 billion years therefore the emergence of life was predicted before the time of expansion of the Universe.
The new alternative forms of life based on molecular quantum information processing and logically controlling are proposed in our research in early 1998 year (see, for example which we are still developing [16].
A. Tamulis research group scientific activities during 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009 year
[26] Arvydas
Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, Giedrius Medzevicius, Sarunas
Entangled Photosynthesis and OR Logic Gates Controlling Minimal
Artificial Cell“, Journal
and Theoretical Nanoscience, vol.
9, No 3,
p.p. 351-359,
2011, available
[25] Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, Jonas Baltrusaitis, „Quantum Evolution of Fatty Acid World Life and Applications for Magnetically Controlled Artificial Minimal Cells“, book of abstracts of Chembiogenesis, p.p. 26-27, 2011, 27-30 October,Heraclion-Crete, Greece.
[24] Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, Jonas Baltrusaitis, „Quantum Evolution of Fatty Acid World Life and Applications for Magnetically Controlled Artificial Minimal Cells“, book of abstracts of 39th Lithuanian National Physics conference, p. 150, 2011, October 06-08, Vilnius University, Lithuania.
[23] Arvydas Tamulis, „Quantum Evolution of Fatty Acid World Life and Applications for Magnetically Controlled Artificial Minimal Cells“, Fift International NanoSchool, 2011, November 15 – 17, Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius University, Naugarduko st. 24, Vilnius, Lithuania.
[22] A. Tamulis worked as European Commission expert of FP7 projects in Brussels during 2008 July - 2011 July.
[21] Arvydas Tamulis, „Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Photosynthetic Systems of Artificial Minimal Cells Based on 8-Oxo-Guanine-Ru(bipyridine)32+", Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 8, Number 4, April 2011, pp. 624-636.
[20] Arvydas Tamulis appointed as one of the Editorial Board members of Open Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (OJIC, website: ).
[19] A. Tamulis science presentaiton „Quantum Entangled OR Logic Gates Controlling Photosynthesis and Melodies in Minimal Artificial Cells“, on 2011 January 27, 11 hours, at Vilnius University Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Library hall, A Goštauto str. 12
[18] A. Tamulis was accepted for research in COST Action CM0805 “The Chemical Cosmos: Understanding Chemistry in Astronomical Environments”, in working group WG3: Chemistry of planetary atmospheres (Models and observations). Participated with science presentation in WG3 workshop on “Carbon in the Solar system”, Brussels December 6 to 8 2010. Abstract of our presentation available at:
Title of our presentation: “The Emergence of Life was Predicted”, authors: Arvydas Tamulis and Mantas Grigalavicius
[17] A. Tamulis presented thee invited lectures in the Fourth International NanoSchool, Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius University, November 30 – December 3, 2010, Vilnius.
[16] A. Tamulis, M. Grigalavicius, S. Krisciukaitis, G. Medzevicius, “Quantum Processes in 8-Oxo-Guanine-Ru(bipyridine)32+ Photosynthetic Systems of Artificial Minimal Cells”, Central European Journal of Physics, vol. 9(3), ( 2011), p.p. 775-791. DOI: 10.2478/s11534-010-0092-y, electronic version since June 24, 2010, available at:
[15] Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavičius, „Magnetically controlled artificial minimal living cells“, book of abstracts of conference ICAMDATA 7, 21–24 September 2010, Vilnius, p. 69.
[14] Arvydas Tamulis and Mantas Grigalavicius, “Quantum Mechanical Origin of Genetic Material in Minimal Cells”, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 7, 1831-1841 (2010)
[13] Arvydas Tamulis, “The Emergence of Life was Predicted”, The scientific seminar in headquarter of Lithuanian Scout Organization on May 31, 19-22 hours, Vilnius, Pylimo street 11-1.
[12] Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, „The Emergence and Evolution of Life in a “Fatty Acid World” Based on Quantum Mechanics”, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 2011) vol. 41, pages 51-71. Electronical version of this article available since May 05, 2010 at
[11] The reportage about our current research is placed in the website where you can see moving self-assembled micelles due to quantum mechanical interactions and some pictures from Los Alamos "Protocell Assembly" project:
Article in Lithuanian language Arvydas Tamulis “Kvantinės
mechaninės sąveikos tarp molekulių sąlygojo pirminės gyvybės ir
genetinės medžiagos atsiradimą”, see more in website:
[9] Arvydas Tamulis, “Quantum Mechanical Interactions Between Molecules are the Origin of Emergence of Protolife and Genetic Material”, lecture in the Seminar of Intracellular Signalization at the Institute of Cardiology, Kaunas University of Medicine, Sukileliu Ave.17, Kaunas, Lithuania, February 05, 2010, 11 hours. See []
[8] Prof. Arunas Ramanavicius and Dr. Arvydas Tamulis, Joint experimental and theoretical meeting “Synthesis and Quantum Level Investigations of Elements of Nanobiorobots and Molecular Quantum Computers”, Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry, at centre NANOTECHNAS, Naugarduko str. 24, February 02, 2010, 12 hours.
[7] Arvydas Tamulis, “Quantum Mechanical Interactions Between Molecules are the Origin of Emergence of Protolife and Genetic Material”, lecture in Vilnius University Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, at library hall, January 14, 2010, 11 hours.
[6] Arvydas Tamulis, “Quantum Mechanical Design of Molecular Computing Devices Controlling Photosynthesis in NanoMedicine BioRobots”, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Science, AlbaNova University Campus, Stockholm, November 23 - 27, 2009, see:
[5] A. Tamulis, M. Grigalavicius, “The origin of genetic material in minimal cells is based on quantum mechanics”, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Science, AlbaNova University Campus, Stockholm, November 2 - 13, 2009, see
[4] A. Tamulis, M. Grigalavicius, “Quantum mechanical origin of genetic material in minimal cells”, book of abstracts of conference Chemistry 2009 , October 16, Institute of Chemistry, A, Gostauto str. 9, Vilnius, page 115.
[3] Mantas Grigalavicius, “Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Photosynthetic Centers of Artificial Cells”, Workshop on NanoBioTechnolgies at Molecular and Quantum Level, Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry, Naugarduko str. 24, October 01, 2009.
[2] Arvydas Tamulis, “Artificial Cells – New Trend in Quantum Molecular Nano BioTechnologies” , Workshop on NanoBioTechnolgies at Molecular and Quantum Level , Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry, Naugarduko str. 24, October 01, 2009.
[1] Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, “Quantum mechanical origin of genetic material in minimal cells”, book of abstracts of 38th Lithuanian national physics conference, Vilnius, June 8-10, 2009, page 218.
Mantas Grigalavicius completed his Magister thesis, June 2011.
We have organized Joint COST actions Workshop on NanoBioTechnolgies at Molecular and Quantum Level, Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry, Naugarduko str. 24, October 01, 2009.
Agency for International Science and Technology Development Programmes (Lithuania) on June 04, 2009 approved A. Tamulis project for the participation in the COST CM0703 action „Systems Chemistry“, see:
Vidmantas Feiza completed his Bachelor thesis “Quantum mechanical design of artificial cells controled by molecular electronic's logical devices“, supervisor Arvydas Tamulis. Faculty of Natural Sciences commission evaluated these thesis by mark: ten (10), June 2009.
Mantas Grigalavicius completed his Bachelor thesis “QUANTUM MECHANICAL ARTIFICIAL CELLS FOTOSYNTHETIC CENTRES RESEARCH“, supervisor A. Tamulis. Faculty of Physics commission evaluated these thesis by mark: nine (9), June 2009.
Martynas Misevicius completed his Bachelor thesis “QUANTUM MECHANICAL INVESTIGATION OF GUANINE-CYTOSINE INTERACTIONS IN WATER ENVIROMENT“, supervisor A. Tamulis. Faculty of Natural Sciences commission evaluated these thesis by mark: eight (8), June 2009.
Founding Member of the International Society for Molecular Electronics and BioComputing (ISMEBC) from 1989. Member of the European Optical Society (EOS)
Member of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life (ISSOL) from 1994.
Member of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering from 2000.
Member of Management Committees:
COST D27 “Prebiotic Chemistry and Early Evolution” action from 2002 year and
COST D35 “ From Molecules to Molecular Devices: Control of Electronic, Photonic, Magnetic and Spintronic Behaviour” action from 2005 year.
Conferences, Lectures:
1. Poster presentations in more than 83 conferences and symposia in Lithuania, Russia, Poland, England, Wales, Scotland, Germany, Japan, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Spain, France, Netherlands and USA.
2. Oral presentations at the NATO ARW on The Synergy Between Dynamics and Reactivity at Clusters and Surfaces (Drymen, near Glasgow, Scotland, 1994); International Workshop on Quantum Communications and Measurement (Nottingham, U. K., 1994); NATO ASI on Localized and Itinerant Molecular Magnetism. From Molecular Assemblies to the Devices (Tenerife, Spain, 1995); NATO ASI on Photoactive Organic Materials. Science and Applications (Avignon, France, 1995); NATO ARW on Polymers and Composites for Special Applications (Poznan, Poland, 1999); NATO ARW on Multiphoton and Light Driven Multielectron Processes in Organics: Materials, Phenomena, Applications (Menton, France, 1999); Photonics West 2000 SPIE Conference on Organic Photonics Materials and Devices II (OE04) (San Jose, USA, 2000); Second International Symposium on Optical Power Limiting (Venice, Italy, 2000),Workshop on Life (Modena, Italy, 2000); NATO ARW on Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications (Poznan, Poland, 2001; NATO ARW on "Organic Nanophotonics", Aix-en-Provence, France, August 25-29, 2002; NATO ARW on Dynamic Interactions in Quantum Dot Systems, Puszczykowo, Poland, May 16-19, 2002; International Conference 'Self-Formation. Theory and Applications', 26-28 November, 2003, Vilnius, Lithuania; Third Annual Meeting COST Action P10 "Physics of Risk" & Workshop on "Complex System Science", Vilnius Lihuania, 13-16 May, 2006;
3. Invited Lectures:
A. Tamulis invited lecture, Arvydas Tamulis, Mantas Grigalavicius, Jonas Baltrusaitis, „Quantum Evolution of Fatty Acid World Life and Applications for Magnetically Controlled Artificial Minimal Cells“, book of abstracts of Chembiogenesis, p.p. 26-27, 2011, 27-30 October, Heraclion-Crete, Greece.
A. Tamulis, invited lecture in international workshop: “Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Science”, AlbaNova University Campus, Stockholm, November 2 - 27, 2009, see
Arvydas Tamulis, Invited lecture: „Quantum Mechanical Self-assembling of Artificial Minimal Cells and Control by Molecular Electronics and Spintronics Logical Devices“, book of extended abstracts of International School „Advanced Methods in Biophysics“, 26-30 November, 2007, Hotel „Trasalis“, Trakai, Lithuania, 3 pages.
EU COST D27 conference, COST D27 Final Evaluation conference “Prebiotic Chemistry and Early Evolution”, Inter – University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 11 - 13, 2007.
EU COST D27 conference “Chembiogenesis 2006”, Barcelona, Spain, December 14 – 17, 2006;
„Basic Questions about the Origin of Life“, Question 9: Artificial life“, International School on Complexity – 4th Course, Italy, Erice, 2-5 October, 2006;
EU COST D27 conference “Chembiogenesis 2005”, Venice, Italy, September 28 – October 01, 2005;
EES-6/CNLS at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), USA (February, July 2005), host Professor Steen Rasmussen;
CNLS/LANL December-January 2002-2003 (host professor G. Berman);
NATO ASI on Molecular Electronics: Bio-sensors and Bio-computers, Pisa, Italy, June 24 - July 4, 2002; University of New Mexico, AHPCC, USA (host Prof. S. Karna, March 2001);
Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus, Denmark (host Prof. K. Langanke, April 1998);
Vilnius University, Department of Chemistry (5 times, host Prof. P. Adomenas, 1977-1990);
Vilnius University, Department of Chemistry (host Prof. G. Dienys, 1974);
Institute of Biochemistry, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (3 times, host Prof. K. Konstantinavicius, 1973-1979).
List of scientific publications of Dr. A. Tamulis : 226 scientific works. The most important papers were published in journals: Lithuanian Journal of Physics, Journal of Structural Chemistry (in Russian language), Die Makromoleculare Chemie, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, Fullerene Science and Technology, Viva Origino (1998, 2007, 2008, 2010), Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Synthetic Metals, Inorganica Chimica Acta, Nonlinear Optics, Biotech News International, Journal of Non-linear Optics & Quantum Optics, Solid State Phenomena; in SPIE Proceedings in 1998, 2000 and 2001; in NATO ARW and ASI book series 1996 and 1999/2000/2001/2002/2003 issues; 11th chapter in Handbook of Photochemistry and Photobiology", Vol. 3 "Supramolecular Photochemistry, 2003; Proceedings of the XIIth Rencontres de Blois "Frontiers of Life" (2003), Structural Chemistry (2003, 2004), J. of Nonlinear Optics (2003), Solid State Phenomena (2004), Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control (2004), Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures (2005), Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 6, 965-973 (2006), Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres (2007, 2011), Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (2008, 2010, 2011, 2012), Chemical Physics Letters (2007), NeuroQuantology (2008), Central European Journal of Physics (2011).